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Course in Intelligence and Espionage

Greg Rubini has launched an Online Course in Intelligence and Espionage.

Enrollment is now open.

You can enroll at this link:

Course in Intelligence and Espionage: CIA, FBI, NSA

Contents of the Course

Who is "The Deep State”?

The True Power of the CIA.

The CIA Propaganda Machine.

The CIA assassination squads, the CIA secret Army, Navy and Air Force.

The CIA/MI6 Coup's d'Etat around the world - 87 Coup’s, also in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Greece.

The assassination of JFK, the role of the CIA and FBI.

The relationship between the FBI and the CIA.

The FBI has access to the NSA database.

What really means “National Security”?

Why James Comey is protected by the Pentagon.

The British spy operations on Trump: Christopher Steele (former MI6), GCHQ, Stefan Halper, Richard Dearlove (MI6).

The UK/USA secret agreements.

The “Five Eyes”: CIA, NSA, MI6, GCHQ (UK), and the Intelligence Agencies of Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

The British Spy Agencies are spying on Americans... for the CIA, FBI and NSA

The secret agreements between the NSA and the British GCHQ

Are the British covertly controlling and exploiting the US, using their spy agencies and those [classified] UK/USA agreements?

Barack Obama made a trip to the UK in April 2016.

Gina Haspel was the CIA Station Chief in London, in 2016.

Gina Haspel was (and is) very close to the top echelons of the British spy agencies.

Gina Haspel and John Brennan.

Who really is John Brennan?

Why John Brennan is such a key figure to understand what is happening right now in the US, and what happened in the last 24 years?

What happened to John Brennan in 1998?

The relationship between John Brennan and Barack Obama.

What happened in 1947 and the National Security Act.

The Nazi infiltration inside the CIA, since the 1940’s.

The Communist infiltration inside the CIA.

George Bush: the CIA Candidate.

The CIA assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan of March 1981.

The CIA and its British sister: MI6.

The NSA and its British sister: the GCHQ.

The NSA/GCHQ spying tools - used illegally to spy on US citizens.

The NSA and Google, the NSA and Facebook, the NSA and Apple: the secret agreements.

The CIA and the FBI have access to the NSA and GCHQ data.

DARPA… DARPA is not a spy agency, but…

DARPA and the NRO Military Spy Satellites, the KH “Keyhole series”.

The NRO: National Reconnaissance Office. What it does, and why it is so important.

Enrollment in the Course

The Course in Intelligence and Espionage will have 15 lessons and 10 Q&A sessions.

The price of the course is $400.

The Course will start on November 1st, 2022. Enrollment is now open.

You can enroll at this link: