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terms of use for avatars

  • do not upload avatars publicly
  • do not share any avatar packages. instead, you may direct them to the storefront or product page.
  • no asset farming/taking things off the model. please look in credit and buy the assets used.
  • no ripping the avatar. its scummy
  • no claiming as your own
  • do nor redistribute any avis in any way shape or form.
  • you have to fill out information correctly at checkout or else you will be banned from buying anything else

terms of use for assets

  • credit me when using assets.
  • when buying assets you must fill out information correctly or else you will be blocked from buying anything else from my shop
  • you may not claim as your own
  • you may not redistribute in any way shape or form.
  • do not share fbx or package. you may redirect the person using a direct link to the asset.

general terms of use

  • no refunds
  • if you are banned from the store you are not to try and buy products
  • ripping amd leaking will lead to a ban in both discord and the shop