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A spaces were stories are told and knowledge is shared

Blog Posts

Renting vs. Buying a House: What’s Better for Millennials in 2024?
Renting vs. Buying a House: What’s Better for Millennials in 2024?As a millennial in South Africa, deciding between renting or buying a house is a significant financial decision that impacts your lifestyle, savings, and long-term financial health. Wi...
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Why Passive Income is Important and How You Can Get Started
Why Passive Income is Important and How You Can Get StartedSo, you want to chill with a mimosa in hand, enjoying that perfect coastal view while your bank account grows? Who doesn’t? Welcome to the world of passive income – the magical realm where mo...
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The Importance of Retirement Annuities: Secure Your Future Today
Retirement might feel like a distant goal, but the earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow and work for you. Chapter 4 of "From Paycheck to Prosperity" dives deep into building a secure financial foundation, including planning ...
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Unlock Your Financial Freedom - Millennials
Unlock Your Financial Freedom
Are you tired of feeling like your hard-earned money slips through your fingers before the month even ends? Do you dream of achieving financial independence but aren’t sure where to start? Whether you're a millennial just stepping into the working wo...
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About Me

Joseph Maseko is a new author from South Africa, book in the rural province of the North West who grew up listen to African folktales. Moved to the city and started learning about financial literacy and financial planning.