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Article Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in writing for the Homeschool Life Magazine. We know it takes time to write a well-written article and we appreciate the hard work and time invested by our writers.

Here are the guidelines for writing your article:

  1. Write your article in Microsoft Word using 10-point Times New Roman text.
  2. One-page articles must be written with a minimum 800-word-count and a maximum 850-word-count; and this includes your bio at the end of your article. Two-page articles must be written with a minimum 950-word-count and a maximum 1000-word-count; and this includes your bio at the end of your article.
  3. Be sure to self-edit your article before submitting your article.

Here are the guidelines for submitting your article:

  1. When you email, be sure to include "HLM - Article Title" in the subject line of your email.
  2. Attach your Microsoft Word article.
  3. Attach a JPEG photo for your article headline.

Here are the guidelines for sharing your article:

  1. After we promote your article on our Facebook page and invite readers to visit your website, you agree to promote the Homeschool Life Magazine by sharing this post to your Facebook page.
  2. Be sure to follow our Facebook page at
  3. Upon publication, if you are willing to write a blog review, we will email you a complimentary digital issue with review guidelines, simply contact us to join our Review Crew.

When you submit your article and photo, you understand and agree that all articles and photos become the property of the Homeschool Life Magazine, you understand and agree to share the post promoting your article, and you agree to the words "I ACCEPT THE TERMS OF SUBMISSION" as if you had signed a written document. Homeschool Life Magazine reserves the right to refuse without explanation any article or photo it deems unsuitable.