Honey Rock Life

Elaine Williams is a clarity sensei, SEO (Self Esteem Optimization) explorer, and creator of the HoneyRockLife.com blog. She has spent many years running around and doing so many things including getting married, raising a family, building a career, and owning multiple businesses. Nowadays, she is laser-focused on getting the “honey” out of her rock and helping others do likewise. That is, finding that sweetness that’s still buried deep in the rock of your life waiting to be extracted and shared with the world. She is obsessed with personal development, vision casting, the fine art of individualized productivity, wellness, mindset, relationship hacking, and coffee.

This journey has inspired her to become the best version of herself. She has a long history of serving women and creating exciting atmospheres for them to heal, grow, and connect. She loves to bring real women together for real conversation and real learning so that "we can move forward together and get the honey out of our rocks, becoming the best versions of ourselves in the process."

Join the mission, the movement, and get the honey out of your rock!