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"Mu'Ah'Saa~Nii'Eh" • Frequency Template (Krystal Rose Light Edition)


"The Reisha Code" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Ra'y'Ah'Maa~Aa'Shaa'Ee" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Y'Maa'Ee'y'Aah" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Activate playfulness" • Frequency Key Code


"Roo'Maa'iih~Saa'Eh" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Lu'Maa'ii~Aa'Tah'y'Eh" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Uhr'y'Ah~Kaa'Maa'Ah" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Ish'y'Uh'Aa~Ah'Tee'Ah'Maa'Ee" • Frequency Template (Cosmic Edition)


"Ish'y'Uh'Aa~Ah'Tee'Ah'Maa'Ee" • Frequency Template (Krystal Rose Light Collection)


"Unlock Creativity" • Frequency Key Code


"Clear Mind" • Frequency Key Code


"Aa'Sha'Ee'Maa~Ee'Aa'Ah" • Frequency Encoded Artwork


"Serenity • The Inner Path to Freedom" • Frequency Key Code


"Purpose ~ The Joyous Path Alignment" • Frequency Key Code


Hello BeLoved Hearts

Thank You for visiting this space.

Here You can find some of my Frequency Artworks in digital format, to be used for/in Your personal Journeys and brighten your sacred spaces if it is Your inner Hearts wishes. 💙

I Thank You, for Being.

Much Love and Gratitude,

Inês 🌼