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Finally, a Self-Care Journal That Helps You Feel Joyful and Confident!

The simple process to enjoy journaling and have a deeper relationship with yourself in as little as 10 minutes a day.

Do You Want to Have A Deeper, Accepting Relationship With Yourself?

  • Learn the process to bring more vitality, focus, and energy to your day so you can live each day with confidence and joy.
  • Deepen the mind-body connection so that you feel confident and joyful no matter what else is going on in your life.
  • Learn how to take control of your day so that it doesn’t control you and you wake up excited to start each day.

Why Journal?

I journaled on and off for years. It wasn't until January 2018 did I make it a daily practice (and I have the stack of notebooks to show for it).

Over the years of this daily practice, I learned processes and asked myself different questions to deepen my relationship with myself.

Not only did I use journaling as a tool for self-care, but it became an indispensable part of my personal growth.

You'll find a lot of the prompts that worked for me and I'm sure they'll work for you.

What people are saying

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This is fantastic! I could feel my boundaries shift because I'm looking at how I spent my day. I'm not as overcommitted as I used to be!

— L.M. Portland, OR

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Thank you for this! This is really helpful. I love how this asks deeper questions to reflect on, and it doesn't take long!

— K.B., New York

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I really enjoyed this self-care journal. It's different from the other ones out there.

— M.C. California

The Invincible Journal: A 30-Day Guide to Self Love & Care
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  • Gain self-awareness and understanding to nurture yourself and the most important aspects of your life. 
  • Learn the process to bring more vitality, focus, and energy to your day so you can live each day with confidence and joy.
  • Deepen the mind-body connection so that you feel confident and joyful no matter what else is going on in your life.
  • Recognize where you're spending your time so you can say "yes" to yourself and "no" to what doesn't serve you.
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About Me

Hi, I'm Heather! I'm the founder of Invincible Women Fitness Academy. I help women over 40 train their hearts, minds, and bodies to live with confidence and joy.