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Spring Crocus and Snowdrops II JABP1195 (keywords) coming of spring; crocus; crocus and snowdrops; emerge; February; flourish; one of many; pollen; purple crocus; purple flower; raindrops on petals; snowdrops; spring; symbolic; white flower

Snowdrops and Beech Trees JABP1160 (keywords) beauty in nature; eye catching; february; feel good; field of snowdrops; flourish; gaia; galanthus nivalis; harmony; hope; natural beauty; positive; snowdrop; snowdrop wood; unity; white flowers

Snowdrop Wood JABP1158 (keywords) abundant; beech trees; february; remembrance; feel good; field of snowdrops; flourish; galanthus nivalis; harmony; hope; positive; emotion; snowdrop wood; snowdrops; unity; white flowers; carpet of snowdrops;

Rhododendron Birthday Girl JABP786 (keywords) close up; feminine; flourish; full bloom; harmony; love; may flowering; pink rhododendron; pollen; bond; romantic; sensual; pink flower; spring; spring sunshine; springtime; two blooms; unity; joy

Red Maple Budding JABP1309 (keywords) acer palmatum; beauty in nature; buds; emerge; flourish; flower buds; gaia; hope; maple; maple tree; positive; emotion; potential; rebirth; spring; ; spring sunshine; springtime; unfurling leaves; vitality

Red Campion Wild Flower JABP1566 (keywords) friendship; full bloom; line up; joy; meadow flower; pink flower; pollen; red campion; silene dioica; spring; springtime; three flowers; three in a row; three's company; together; trio; wildflower

Pyracantha Buds JABP820 (keywords) bond; bursting; touching; cycle of life; flourish; flowering buds; flowering shrub; friendship; gaia; one of many; power; potential; pure; pyracantha; buds; spring; spring buds; springtime; unity; white buds

Pussy Willow Abundant Energy JABP1496 (keywords) abundant; awaken; flourish; fluffy buds; hope; imbolc; motherhood; new beginnings; pink background; purity; pussy willow; salix; still life; symbolic; unity; ; victory; v shape; vibrant; wisdom

Pink Rhododendron JABP1568 (keywords) abundant; anthers; cluster of flowers; colourful; favourite; flowering shrub; gaia; hope; intense; may flowering; pink flower; pink rhododendron; pollen; popular; ; showy; spring; springtime; sunlight; joy

Pear Leaf Perfection JABP1305 (keywords) blue sky; emerge; first leaves; flowering buds; fragile; gaia; new life; new shoots; pear tree; perfect; leaf; power; pyrus lindleyi; rebirth; spring; sunlight; sunny; spring day; growth; beginning

Orange Berberis JABP1310 (keywords) abundant; berberis; colourful; drooping flowers; grace; emerge; feel good; flourish; ; buds; fresh; gaia; joyful; new beginnings ;new life; orange flower; positive; emotion; showy; spring; springtime; vibrant

New Beginnings Spring Bud JABP1302 (keywords) beauty in nature; beech tree; blue sky; buds; cycle of life; emerge; gaia; hope; new beginnings; new life; new shoots; potential; purity; rebirth; spring; springtime; sunlight; sunshine; energy; zen

Nectaroscordum Siculum - Nurture JABP1525 (keywords) bee loving; buds; cycle of life; flourish; gaia; impressive; nectaroscordum; nectaroscordum siculum; nurture; one of many; protect; rebirth; spring; springtime; sunlight; tall flower; umbels

Nectaroscordum Buds - Abundant JABP1564 (keywords) bee loving; buds; cycle of life; flourish; gaia; impressive; nectaroscordum; nectaroscordum siculum; nurture; one of many; protect; rebirth; spring; springtime; sunlight; tall flower; umbels

Magnolia Tree in Bud JABP1283 (keywords) abundant; blue sky; emerge; feel good; hope;looking up; magnolia soulangeana; tree; magnolia tree; memories; pink magnolia; magnolia bud; potential; rebirth; spring; springtime; sunny; vital; vitality

Magnolia Alba Bloom Serenity JABP748 (keywords) contemporary; feel good; feminine; gaia; magnolia alba; welcoming; joy; majestic; may flowering; nurture; pink flower; pink magnolia; positive; emotion; spring; springtime; stylish; zen; unite

About Me

The start of my love for Photography was definitely with a polaroid camera, aged 8, it was like magic watching the image appear. As time moved on I came back to Photography, aged 28, to learn photographic techniques in a Foundation Course and from there it grew. As with all artists their medium is an extension of their inner self and expression, my camera is my companion as I reach out within Nature. Each image leaves a lasting impression of an ever changing day by day landscape or recording changes of growth from bud to flower. Moods like the light change so the feeling of the image may be bright or dark but always sensitive. There is great beauty within Nature which many of us enjoy subliminally, I’m not trying to enhance what I see….why gild an already beautiful lily….but I enjoy sharing my experience of how I see.

I developed my website in 2007, Jane Ann Butler Photography, which has had a few incarnations, but is now predominantly a showcase for my images. Visit JABP

My images have been licensed for products such as prints, packaging, advertising on retail bags and merchandise, greeting cards, fine art for corporate businesses, magazines, books and many more uses.

Now with the introduction of Jane Ann Butler Image Library, which is an extension of my JABP website, you can download digital image files for a set number of popular Licenses, with ease. Please, before downloading the S,M,L or XL files send me your details using the Contact Form as I will require Company name and usage, as some usages will require extra costing and a personalized License Link...but still your License will be just a click away.

Payment packages are available to help spread the costs over a set period of months, particularly useful for advertising and packaging.

Bundles are available if you have an interest in a number of images eg., greetings card series or art images for interior design, this will be possible. We can arrange an acceptable price with an option payment plan.

Now the Library is set up new images will be uploaded regularly, they are predominately flowers, bright, bold and beautiful. All images shown on JABP will be available to license from my image library. You can add yourself to the mailing list at any time, just click on the FOLLOW button below to receive occasional updates, or if you prefer just pop back from time to time, new images appear at the beginning of the Library.

I hope you enjoy my images and choose to download and License through my Library. Whatever you wish to convey fragility, love, grief, abundance, positivity, joy, energy, family the stunning Language of Flowers and details in Nature can Inspire and bring your project to Life..