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About Me

I love helping therapists to feel more confident when learning and using therapy skills, by sharing the tips and tricks I've picked up over many years working as a physiotherapist, massage therapist and fitness instructor. I love sharing information and am the author of Postural Assessment, Postural Correction, Deep Tissue Massage, Therapeutic Stretching, Soft Tissue Release, and The Big Back Book: Tips & Tricks for Therapists, all of which have been published in many languages. My PhD focused on how to quantify human posture. I wish someone had shared these tips and tricks with me when I was first starting out. When people speak of financial wealth they sometimes encourage spending, saying, "well you can't take it with you!" I've always enjoyed sharing my knowledge and the older I get, the more driven I feel to squeeze everything I've learned out of my brain and to share it with other therapists. I hope one of my courses will help you on your own journey, and in turn, that it will help the people you are supporting too.