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Freedom of Hattitude


Sierra Heartfoot crochet pattern


About Me

My name is Isabeau, and I design things. I didn’t mean to. It just kind of happened…

As a crafter, I am tricraftual. (I know that’s not a word, but it’s descriptive.) I do knitting, crochet, and loom knitting. Physical limitations mean I can’t make as many things as I want to, but somehow I suspect that’s true of even the fastest knitters.

As a designer, I so far have only done knittting and crochet, but that may well change.

Any patterns that require purchase have been thoroughly tested. Free patterns may or may not have been tested, but I make the difference explicit.

Many of my patterns are offered for free as a gift to the knitting community. If you would like to support me, please consider “buying me a coffee” on Ko-Fi, and/or donating to the IFOPA.