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Creepy Thursdays Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Demonic Wilderness

 Blurry image of a woman in a sleeveless black dress standing in a haunted building. This picture is used to illustrate Chapter 9 of Creepy Thursday, a paranormal horror story written by Jsovirall available on the Jsovirall Store to read via blog. Free stories to read.

All rights reserved © by Jsovirall

We were finally out of the City of the Tormented. Today was Sunday. The day was silent—too silent to be exact. We were now in the Demonic Wilderness. There was all sort of demons in the wilderness. We have to go through the Demonic Wilderness in order to reach the Valley of the shadow of Death. From there we will proceed to Bahal. I only hope that the demons from the underworld didn't find us.

"Mattew, there is a weird bug on your neck," Jean informed me and was about to squash it. Marphious grabbed her hand just in time to save us all.

"That is a screamer. It's a demonic bug that will make an alarm for the other demons to hear. Once squashed the bug releases a telepathic wave to the other bugs causing a chain reaction of a loud buzzing alerting the entire demons in the Demonic Wilderness. These bugs should not be killed. The best we can do is to avoid them." Marphious elaborated. She removed the bug off my neck and let it fly out of the palm of her hand. Everything in the demon world was a problem. Nothing seemed to be normal.

"Shh," Goklam shushed us, "Something big is coming our way. It smells like a dragon. We must hide at once. Hurry." She warned us. We hid on the stone bridge between the columns so the dragon didn't see us. It was as if the dragon was looking for us. The dragon belonged to the queen of the demon world. SHE was searching for us before we could get to Bahal. The dragon flew away and disappeared into the clouds above. We continued across the bridge and then we came off the road to be safer. We would easily be noticed if we were in the open.

After about thirty minutes of walking, we came across a strange creature in the wilderness. It was a three-headed bird with a snake body. It had wings also. The demons called it the Traant. It was the name given to the creature because it was cursed by the gods of Harlem. However, the Traant wasn't a threat to us so there was no need to bother it. There were so many things in the demon world that we humans didn't know exist. Like who would have thought that such a creature existed? No one. We just stick to what other people say and never think outside of the box. I was glad I was chosen by the Hacranium knife. Before my life was boring, and now it has changed. I love Jean and I care about my friend Melisha and also the demons that choose to fight against their own kind. They were like the family I never had. Not to mention DC. DC was a badass demon cat. He and Melisha always had a thing for each other like fighting and cussing. I don't even know why. Goklam was nice and her wolf silently pleasant. Marphious was caring and not to mention Mundie. He was always keeping an eye on us no matter what. It felt like I knew him. I couldn’t explain why though.

Holy shit! We almost got caught. We hid quickly. She didn't see us. It was Gumantine and some Hell-Threats. The Hell-Threats were demon warriors. They were fully armed with weapons, swords, and arrows.

"I can't seem to smell them anymore. Surely these humans have gotten smarter. It is as if they are getting the help of demons. I can feel it in my demonic soul. They are getting stronger within our world. Mother won't be too sure about her victory now. SHE can sense her defeat. That is exactly what we want. Before she dies we must get that Hacranium knife. Find them before it is too late. Bring them to me alive and also the traitors." Gumantine commanded the Hell-Threats. They walked off then she disappeared. Now, we knew what her plan was. We must not let her achieve it.

"So, the other demons of the demon world want the queen to die," I said.

"Yes, but SHE is very smart. She knows everything. She has eyes everywhere." DC added. Well, there was one thing certain and that was the queen must die. A world of demons is a world of chaos and a world of humans is a world of chaos. Even in the demon world, the demons were fighting for supreme power. I wasn't expecting better. Gumantine and her brothers were probably working together to dethrone their Mother. I reckon this was a part of their plan. Something didn't feel right though. I didn't know how to explain it but there was a diversion. Soon I will expose the secret hands at play.

Anyway, we continued through the bushes until we went down a steep hill. I lost my balance and fell. I dropped the Hacranium knife. Marphious took it up and the blade flew in my grasp. The Hacranium knife refused Marphious’ hand on its surface. There must be a reason for that but I couldn't figure it out yet. Melisha puked some green liquid. The smell was disgusting. Without hesitation, Mundie and Goklam covered Melisha’s vomit. Goklam cast an odorless spell on Melisha’s vomit. If the other demons in the wilderness were to smell Melisha’s vomit then that would be a big problem for all of us. They would find us easily. Melisha wasn't feeling well. She looked a bit pale.

"Listen to her soul" the Hacranium knife spoke to me. I was the only that could hear the voice of the blade. I placed my hand on Melisha’s cheeks and I had an instant vision. I saw her in the basement of my house screaming for help. Her spirit was trapped but somehow her body was still alive. I zoned out of the vision.

"What did you see?" Marphious asked.

"Do not speak of what you saw." The wolf said to me telepathically. I told Marphious I didn't see anything. Mundie looked at Marphious like he could sense that something was off. DC walked around me for some seconds. I think there was still a mole among us. A quisling was hiding under the disguise of one of the demons.

I kept thinking about what I saw. If Melisha's soul was trapped in the basement of my house and screaming for someone to help her then that simply meant that something was after her. Whatever imprisoned her in the basement must still be in the basement. I recalled the dream Melisha told me about—the one where she was at the bottom of the lake. I started considering the what-ifs. What if SHE was hiding at the bottom of the lake or in the basement of my house? If so be the case, then my basement is a portal to the demon world. How did the demon cat enter the building when Goklam and the wolf cast a spell upon it to protect us? Why did it choose to warn me just before Melisha entered the bathroom? If the spell was to protect us then surely the demon cat couldn't have entered. It was the demon cat that brought us to Palbania. This was all a plan. It was too good to be true. Another theory that came to my consideration was Mundie sudden appearance out of nowhere. Just when we needed help he appeared out of nowhere when a tornado was coming. What if he was the one that made the tornado appear just to get us for himself? But if that was the case, why would he give us the Exellium to protect us? It just didn’t add up.

Goklam was the one that cast the first spell on the building. What if her spell was a signal sign to the other demons that she had eyes on me? These demons were way too smart in their games of deception. There were many hands at play and I was the prize. There was more to this than I thought. There must be more than one quisling.

"Mattew, are you okay?" Jean asked.

"Yeah, I am okay. It's nothing. Let's continue." I replied with my eyes fixed on Goklam. Goklam kept staring at me. I could sense that she was going to do something deceptive soon. The wolf ran off in the bushes and Goklam followed it. We all followed her. We hid quickly while a strange demon passed slowly. Its lower body was like a spider and its upper body was human-like. Instead of hands, it had scorpion claws. It was hairless and its eyes were green. It was called the Spakalac. Spakalac ate demons that were injured or dead. It moved slowly but it was fast when it was ready to hunt. The Spakalac could see clearly and also zoom in on their prey. The Spakalac passed us. Suddenly, I looked up and saw a Spakalac hanging from a tree. It was above us. It tried to cut me in half with its claw but I managed to escape from the claws of death. Everyone was in a tough situation because we couldn't make any noise to draw attention to ourselves. We all had to fight the Spakalac quietly. It hit Mundie and Marphious some feet away and was coming for me. Goklam could have helped me but it was as if she wanted the Spakalac to kill me. The wolf leaped at it and also DC. They bit it a couple of times but it threw them off. It almost cut Jean in half—I saved her. I managed to get underneath the demon and pierced its bum hole with my knife. It died immediately. I know what you are thinking, and yes, it was the best that I could do to kill it. It was too strong and fast. I didn't have any other option. At least, the bastard was dead without making any noise.

What? Wait a minute... Marphious was just coming up the hill behind us. The Spakalac had hit him at a distance. Shit! We just killed a Spakalac so that means more are going to come since they feed on dead demons. We could hear the thudding from a distance. We hid behind some trees and bushes quickly. Some Spakalacs arrived to feed on the dead one. They ate it within a minute then ran off searching for more food.

"I don't like this Demonic Wilderness," I remarked.

"None of us do," DC added. Anyway, we continued our journey deeper into the wilderness. We saw a lot of strange demonic creatures. We saw headless dogs, snakes with rat heads, goats that were seven feet tall with two heads with big horns, demons that walked with their heads in their hands, and much more. We stopped beside a creek. The demons drank water but Jean, Melisha, and I didn't. I told them not to drink any. I washed the Hacranium knife in the water. It started vibrating in my hand. I dropped it and Marphious took it up but this time it didn't fly back to me which was weird.

"Give me the knife," I said.

"Of course, it is yours to carry not mine. Here" Marphious said and gave me the blade. Goklam whispered something to her. I knew they were up to something. DC noticed that something was off. He looked at me like he wanted to say something but he didn't bother to say it. I think he had his reasons—good reasons. The mole that was among us was smart indeed. What if Goklam and Marphious had cast a spell on Melisha to control and keep her soul trapped in the basement? What if they wanted to possess her body to cross over in the human world? It was all a plan. I must find a way to get back Melisha's soul. The demons need a virgin soul in order to manifest more in the human world but SHE was first for the taking.

The night was upon the Demonic Wilderness. The thin fog greeted the land. We were surrounded by weird trees. Some spirits were there. They were transparent but we could still see them. There was one determined spirit that kept following us. Her face we could not see because her long hair covered it and she was wearing a white dress. She was at a distance. She was called a Wonderer because she could go anywhere. I didn't know as to why she chose an interest in us. Melisha fell as she was weak. She was getting paler. It was as if she was poisoned by the fangs of a demon. Her eyes were slowly turning black and she wasn't talking.

"Melisha, if you can hear me show me a sign," I said smartly. She pointed directly at the Wonderer at a distance in front of us. Why would she point at that spirit? Oh, I get it. Her body was dying because her spirit wasn't inside of it. So, that was why she was getting pale. Her body must have been poisoned also. The Wonderer wanted to possess Melisha's body. Melisha was dying and the only way to help her was to let the Wonderer possess her body. Was this a setup too? I didn't know but it was worth a try. I spoke to Melisha and she gave me a sign. I wanted to be sure it was her.

"Melisha, if that was you a while ago I want you to tell me if this spirit is good?" I asked.

"She will help you. She knows. I'm trapped. SHE is coming for you." Melisha said to me. It was indeed her.

"Are you sure you want that Wonderer to possess your friend's body?" Goklam asked me. I didn't answer her. As I place the Hacranium knife on Melisha's head the Wonderer appeared beside me. She went into her body. Melisha’s skin was becoming normal. She opened her eyes, got up, and gave us the signal to follow her. She wasn't talking though. 

Read Chapter 10

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Jsovirall is a prolific author and an independent entrepreneur that operates the Jsovirall Store. Follow Jsovirall for new book releases, products, and updates.
