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K-Chemistry "Private Tuition Rules and Guidelines

1. Rules for Attending Private Online Sessions:

  • Login on Time: Students should log into their virtual classroom at least 5 minutes before the session starts to ensure they are ready when the session begins.
  • Virtual Classroom Etiquette: Students should mute their microphones when not speaking. Raise your digital hand or type in the chat box if you have a question or comment.
  • Appropriate Background: Choose a quiet, distraction-free environment for your learning. Ensure your background is appropriate and professional.
  • Dress Code: Maintain a neat and clean appearance. Clothing should be appropriate and not distracting to others.

2. Rules for Attending Face-to-Face Sessions:

  • Punctuality: Arrive on time. Chronic tardiness (more than 6 late arrivals) may result in a formal warning or dismissal from the tuition program.
  • Be Prepared: Come to class ready to learn with all required materials.
  • Respect: Treat your tutor and fellow students with respect. Mobile devices should be silent during the session.
  • Dress Code: Maintain a neat and clean appearance.

3. Homework Submission Rules:

  • Timeliness: Homework must be submitted by the deadline given by the tutor. If homework is not submitted 5 times without a valid reason, the student may be discontinued from the tuition.
  • Submission Method: Homework should be scanned clearly and sent directly to the tutor or assistant via WhatsApp.
  • Academic Integrity: All work submitted must be your own. Instances of plagiarism or cheating will result in severe consequences, up to and including expulsion from the tuition program.

4. Quiz Answering and Submission Rules:

  • Honor System: All quizzes should be completed individually, without the aid of outside resources, unless otherwise specified by the tutor.
  • Timeliness: Quizzes given on Monday must be submitted by the following Saturday at the latest.
  • Technical Issues: If you experience technical difficulties during an online quiz, notify your tutor immediately via WhatsApp message or call.

5. Absence and Delay Rules:

  • Inform Ahead: If you know you will be absent or late for a session, inform your tutor at least 12 hours ahead of time.
  • Unforeseen Absences: In the case of a sudden illness or emergency, inform your tutor as soon as possible.
  • Chronic Absenteeism: Missing more than 5 sessions without a valid reason may result in a formal warning or dismissal from the tuition program.
  • Missing three sessions in two weeks may result in dismissal from the program.
  • Make-Up Sessions: Missed sessions can only be made up by watching the recorded session on the website.