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About Me

My life is a blessed life. I have the love of an amazing man named Michael and we share two children together, Nicholas and Ryan. We also have the sweetest French Bulldog named Elle Woods, but we call her by her nickname, Ellie.

Next to my love for my family and pup, I also have a burning passion for traveling. My career has allowed to me to shoot all over the globe in some of the most magical places.

When I am not with my family or traveling the globe shooting weddings, you can rest assured that I am at one of following three locations: Cruising the back channels of Cape May on our boat, mindlessly shopping the marvelous aisles of our local TJMaxx/Home Goods) or hooked up to a continuous IV of Salted Foam Cold Brews at our local Starbucks.  

To be honest, I often have more caffeine in my body than water on any given day. My family knows me as an incurable romantic, a fierce and loyal friend and an overwhelming extrovert with more pep than a high school cheerleader. My life is never dull and for me, that is just fine.