Keith Hawkins

Keith took up classical guitar early but was keen to recreate the sounds of the rock music he heard at home. His love for all styles of music developed, especially after hearing Yngwie and fusion guitarists combine different styles.

Keith won a competition on BBC Radio 1 that would change his life. He managed to get lessons with Yngwie Malmsteen, who also gave him a guitar. This cemented Keith’s path to work on becoming a professional musician, learning as much as he possibly could. He went onto complete a degree in music and teach at schools, colleges and privately.

After a string of sessions Keith was picked up by Maggie Reilly (Mike Oldfield, Jack Bruce) to tour her new album. This was a phenomenal experience and gave him much experience. He then had a string of sideman jobs, sessions and music featured on television.

Keith became a member of the progressive rock band, the Reasoning whom he released an album and toured with. This was a time that the band were enjoying a large amount of press exposure and the album, Adventures in Neverland, was acclaimed by many reviewers.

Currently Keith is the guitarist in the new progressive rock band The Omega Point. An album is expected soon.