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Frequently asked questions

1) Can you make me a custom avatar/are you taking commissions?

-Sorry i do not make any custom work anymore, it is not lucrative for me and stresses me out extremely.

2) Can you do uploads for me?

-I personally will not upload for you, but for a 5$ fee, one of my moderators can. Please open a ticket in my server for more information.

3) Are your avatars quest compatible?

-most of them are, i always state it on the sale page if an avatar is quest compatible or not.

4) How do i upload your avatar?

- Every avatar of mine has an uploadinformation file included, where i explain how to upload the avatar step by step. Don't worry, it is super easy!

If you struggle, always feel free to open up a Ticket in my server or contact me through payhip.

5) Can you make me an optimized/quest version of your avatar?

-This counts as custom work (check out 1.), please don't purchase my avatars with the expectation that i will optimize them for you. I always state on the product description, if the avatar is very poor/poor/optimized/quest compatible.

6) Can i stream in your avatars? (or make any kind of content with it)

-Message me beforehand and i will tell you the terms and conditions! * Public avatars are not included in this rule, but i always appreciate credit!

7) Your avatar is leaked on [], did you know about that?

-Yes. I know. Thank you for telling me, but these websites ignore DMCA takedown request. I have to wait for lawenforcement to do something against them. These sites are illegal and everyone who gets caught using it will be banned from my server.

8) want to gift my friend your avatar/My friend wants to gift me your avatar, how should we do it ?

-Please use the Payhip gift option! Otherwise two people have access to the avatar, although only one license got purchased, which is not okay.


9) Can i use your avatar to showcase my textures that i want to sell ?

-No. making any kind of profit off of my avatar, even as showcase material, is prohibited.

10) Can i use [...] off of your avatar?

-i get this question pretty often. People want to use my headedits, my base edits, my animations, materialsettings, textureedits etc on their own avatars or share them otherwise. I stated this multiple times but taking ANYTHING off of my avatar is not allowed. I put time and effort in everything i do, learned over the last year everything i know and taught it myself by trial and error and improved with every avatar i did. Don't just use my stuff, i will notice at one point and will dmca you.

11) Can i edit your avatars for my own personal use?

-YES!!!! i love seeing ⁠your edits , as long as its an EDIT. The avatar has to be still recognisable as my work. If you only take the head and the base for example, you are just taking assets off of my avatar. This is against my tos (check faq 10.)

12) The purchased asset doesnt dowload as a unityfile?

-unpack the file with winzip/7Zip/winrar:

13) Can i use a different payment method ? (paypal family & friends/ venmo/ cashapp)

-No, the only payment methods are the ones available on my payhip and gumroad. (Stripe, Credit Card, Paypal)

14) Can i make my edits of your avatars public?

-No, absolutely not. It is still my work, even if you changed a couple of things. By uploading it yourself, YOU are shown as the uploader and people will struggle to understand, that it's not made by you. I don't want that.

If someone claims they have my permission, they are lying.