Fine Kids Books

Fine Kids Books offers creative reads for ages 6 to 10, this being the ages when they start thinking for themselves and need mental stimulation to absorb facts. The visual and emotional elements spark imagination and help children connect with the character's experiences resulting in deeper understanding. Sherrelle Walker – a teacher, administrator, and professor of 30 years – wrote about the science behind stories:

"Scientists have long known that human beings are storytelling creatures. For centuries, we have told stories to transmit information, share histories, and teach important lessons. While stories often have a profound effect on us due to emotional content, recent research also shows that our brains are actually hard-wired to seek out a coherent narrative structure in the stories we hear and tell. This structure helps us absorb the information in a story, and connect it with our own experiences in the world."

True to the saying that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, help your little ones share in the intimate connections that the world offers. Cheers!😍

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