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About Me

I worked for a long time as an editor in a publishing house in Strasbourg, one of the literary centers of France. After graduating from university, I started working at the European Court of Human Rights. So I had to leave the publishing house. The publishing house was an artistic field for me. After I left this artistic field, I had a spiritual void. I started to fill this spiritual void with my camera. First, I needed a name. I remembered the name of the dog that the Soviets sent into the cosmos for the first time. As the first living being, he looked at the world from the edge. That's why I chose my name as a photographer, LAIKA. My favorite genre is novel photography. They always make movies out of novels, but I try to make photographs. I also like to listen to people's problems and shoot them like a reporter. So I think I am useful to people. Because photography is the best communication tool today. Seeing my work, the Amicale de l'Conseil de l'Europe elected me as the head of the Photography section in November. Since January 1, 2023, I have been teaching courses on photography. My goal is to read, travel and share photographs with my audience.

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