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Lever/Pedal Harp Music for Your Repertoire

The Poetry of Flowers Suite

"The Poetry of Flowers" harp suite is a wonderful addition to any garden wedding, poetry reading, or other outdoor celebration, surrounded by beautiful flowers and nature.

“Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” (Hans Christian Andersen)

Enchanted Forest Suite

The "Enchanted Forest" harp suite is about nature. "Magical stories about trees, animals and life itself. Let us celebrate our lives by valuing, protecting and respecting our nature. Without forests, there is no life." (Roxana Moișanu)

“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn” (R. W. Emerson)

Modern Vibes Suite

"Modern Vibes" harp suite includes cheerful, modern pieces suitable for a festive, party setting or just for the pleasure of playing rhythmic and playful pieces on the harp.

With a little jazz, romantic or retro flavor, this suite is meant to bring a smile to the listeners' souls.