Safe Harbour e-Press

Born in Haiti, I was nothing but trouble for my family. The health issues I faced were a constant drain on the family resources. At the age of six and against my will, my parents enrolled me in the big Catholic with 300 plus students. I was one of the most privileged children in the small community of 3500 people. After 9 years of schooling, I left my hometown for the big city of Port-au-Prince. In 1979, I enrolled in the Catholic technical school of St Jean Bosco or Salesian where I studied Electrical Engineering Technology. After working in a factory in the Industrial Park, I immigrated to United States with a dark path behind. Leaving Haiti did not set me free. I tried to be a constructive member of the my new home USA. I wanted to be successful but yet my pass was hunting me like a prey until I got sick. I live in Belleville PA where I am raising a family of four. The Lord had forgiven for all the evil I've done and gave me a home. I've been blessed.