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Frequently Asked Questions

Are your avatars quest compatible?

Currently, my only quest avatar is Nikola. My other avatars have been very difficult to convert, so I honestly haven't bothered. But one of my admins may be converting them sometime. Keep an eye out in my server for that announcement.

Do you offer uploads?

In my server, yes! My admins and I will gladly help you with an upload. Just let us know. Alternatively, I'll be posting a version people can buy where they don't receive the files, but get 5 dollars off and all you need to do is contact us for the upload.

Are your avatars POC friendly?

Of course! I offer free edits for custom skin tones, hair swaps, etc on ALL of my avatars. Just contact me, please!! I upload all of my avatars with a basic texture for this exact reason.

What if I can't afford your avatars full price?

Look, I get it. Times are hard. If someone is struggling but wants to support my shop, I'll help you! I won't give my avatars out for free, but the most I'll reduce them is to 25 USD (With solid proof, cause I don't want people taking advantage of this). Even I have to save up just to buy new avatars. But that's the price of art. A lot of effort in blender and unity goes into my work.

Can I add a purchase from Payhip into my Gumroad library?

Absolutely! Just contact us in the Abode, fill out the form in Gumroad Requests, and be ready to provide your email to me in DMs that you used with your purchase if I can't find you.

Can you teach me how to make avatars?

I don't mind teaching blender and unity to people. I love seeing people's creativity.