M.C. Colon

I have always loved a good book. Growing up in Wyoming I loved a good western novel. As I got older I found romance, horror and science fiction genres amazing gateways to other worlds. My first science fiction fantasy book was Terry Brooks, Magic Kingdom for Sale, Sold. I was in the 6th grade and I had never read anything like it. It was adventure, impossible magical creatures, magic itself and I fell in love. I will always be thankful for the English and English Lit teachers I was blessed with throughout my middle school and high school years. They gave me the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the talent that it takes to write and tell a good story. They introduced me to different styles of writing, different genres of stories, and sparked my imagination. My debut novel, Deceived, Book One of the Athanasian Realm Series hit the shelves November 2017. Book two is set for publication Spring 2018 and Book three should be available some time late 2018 or early 2019.