All Terms of service must be followed. Some TOS rules will change depending on the asset you are purchasing. Find the correct asset TOS to see what is and is not allowed. If you have specific questions do not hesitate to contact me through my server.
- No Distribution.
- No resale of the Object by itself.
- You may use it for models.
- You CANNOT heavily edit the mesh then sell as your own or distribute the asset.
- NITRO USE: Nitro use is NOT allowed what so ever.
- PAID MODELS: You CAN use the asset so long as the rules are followed.
- You MUST correctly credit me: Mooshi Art/ https://payhip.com/MooshiArt
- No distribution.
- Free assets cannot be given by itself, if a acquaintance wants the product direct them to the correct page for download.
- You CANNOT edit the product and sell it as your own.
- NITRO USE: Nitro use IS allowed.
- PAID USE: Paid models IS allowed to use the asset.
- You MUST correctly credit me: Mooshi Art/ https://payhip.com/MooshiArt
- No Distribution.
- CANNOT remove my name from the texture.
- No resale of the Object by itself.
- You may use it for models.
- You CANNOT heavily edit the mesh then sell as your own or distribute the asset.
- NITRO USE: Nitro use is NOT allowed what so ever.
- PAID MODELS: You CAN use the asset so long as the rules are followed.
- You MUST correctly credit me: Mooshi Art/ https://payhip.com/MooshiArt
- Reselling and distributing this product is prohibited.
- This base is intended for VrChat and anything else 3D related. YOU will be responsible for converting it for VTubing, etc.
- This product MAY be used for commercial use using the following rules;
- For Paid Models, you must credit. For $20 or less you MUST remove 30% of the body.
- For Nitro Models, you MUST remove at least 35% of the base to use it for anything free (Delete the torso or anything not showing).
- Do not steal any textures from the file and claim as yours.
- Do not take parts of the mesh and claim it as your own.
- Editing, altering, or create a base off ANY humanoid base created by Dragons Pit is prohibited.
- Credit must be formatted as given; Mooshi Art/ https://payhip.com/MooshiArt
What you CAN do:
- If you wish to edit the meshes UVMap so that it can be unsymmetrical, you MAY do that.
- If someone else has bought the base and would like the edited version of yours, you may give it to them with proof of a receipt.
- You may edit the textures and or create new ones for the mesh.
- You MAY sell the texture if it is heavily edited and the customer has shown proof of purchase of the Orion Male Base to you.
- You MAY sell edits of the base so long as it is heavily edited and the customer shows VALID proof of purchase of the Orion Male Base.
- You MAY get a refund if the package has NOT been opened and downloaded. If the package is downloaded your eligibility to request a refund will be invoked.
- Please create a ticket in my server with proof of your receipt and your reasoning for a refund request.
- Refunds are NOT allowed once the product is downloaded.
- You cannot split prices with two different people.

Q & A
Any popular questions will be answered here. Should you have a question that is not listed on this page please do not hesitate to contact me!
Q & A
Open blender
Go to the "edit" tab at the top left.
Click on "Preferences," then add-ons
Search for Node Wrangler and enable it
Go to the shading tab on the top
Select the mesh
Click on one "Principled BSDF" Node and then press CTRL + SHIFT + T
Select all of the textures provided
For the normal map, make sure you have selected the "Normal OpenGL" and NOT the regular "Normal"
Yes, you may use my free assets for commercial use unless said otherwise on the assets description.
Yes! I do have a discord server. I mainly post my Wip and notify those that wish when I upload new items in my show. I also do take suggestions so who knows, maybe Ill make what you'd like to see!
Here's the link!