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Multi Linguis is an independent project based on Wiktionary. It offers various alphabetical and frequency-thematic dictionaries for more than 260 languages.

All the dictionaries are 'Pay What You Want'

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All the dictionaries are 'Pay What You Want' ⋆ Take them for free now ⋆ Then come back if you want and pay your price ⋆

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Use the Collections tab to find a language you are interested in ⋆



Niger-Congo Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 2 of 2)


Germanic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 3 of 6)


Romance Languages and Basque Language Small Dictionaries (Set 6 of 7)


Turkic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 3 of 4)


Turkic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 1 of 4)


Tai-Kadai Languages and Hmong Language Small Dictionaries (Set 1 of 1)


Austronesian Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 3 of 4)


Dravidian Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 1 of 1)


Turkic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 2 of 4)


Niger-Congo Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 1 of 2)


Slavic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 5 of 5)


Albanian, Armenian and Hellenic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 1 of 2)


Romance Languages and Basque Language Small Dictionaries (Set 2 of 7)


Indic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 3 of 3)


Turkic Languages Small Dictionaries (Set 4 of 4)
