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The Trilogy

  • "How we got here"

    Modern-day Africa was not shaped by Africans.

    It's been a story of 4 waves of colonisation that continue to today.

    A never ending story of 'exploitation & extraction'.

    We, the m'zungu, shaped Africa. Warts and all!

  • "Just exactly where are we?"

    There is no single image that can describe today's Africa. It's a multi-layered kaleidoscope

    The first 60 years of independent Africa are not a good guide to its future.

    Africa has progressed further, and is more dynamic than most people realise.

    21st century Africa is going to play a more important part in all our lives.


  • "Making UK International Aid more effective!"

    UK International Aid to Africa is 'not fit for purpose'..

    If we are to share in the decades long expansion of African economies we need to rethink our approach.

    The post-Brexit UK needs Africa more than ever.