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Life Coach, Author & Podcast Host

Inspiring, energetic, compassionate and encouraging. Those are a few adjectives to describe Casandra Venez. When it comes to coaching, she can assist you with discovering your purpose, unveiling your passion, or creating focus strategies to start and complete projects, or build goals for your future. Casandra operates within her lane and values the connection with people. She has a passion for seeing others learn how to release stress to be emotionally healthy in life. If you want to move past the stuck phase, definitely connect with her.

"Never hold yourself hostage for what you didn't do, release the negative narrative and see yourself achieving your goals"


Everyone should have a Certified Life Coach on hand. In life, we cross many paths and encounter twists and turns that can get us off track. At times, we are unable to bounce back after a life change, or event or feel blah. There are times when we may need to be empowered to move forward, and guidance to assist with identifying our true passions in life.  Let's work together!



    Time is a precious commodity to those with a plan. Wasting time can abort your plan. Use your time wisely, and see how much you can accomplish!!!


    Steps are used to get to the next level. What level are you on? Are you still on the first step? It's time to move up and level up your life. You owe it to yourself to reach every one of your dreams. Don't stay on the first step - let's go!!!!


    What dreams and visions do you have for yourself? Do you keep putting things off until later? Stop sabotaging your purpose by believing limiting beliefs. If you work with me, I can help you break the barriers of procrastination and wasting time. Let me help you discover and fine-tune your purpose.