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Project Manager Productivity Hacks Audio Book



Project Management: The Sketches


Project Manager Productivity Hacks


Who is he

Nigel Creaser is an accomplished Project Manager, for over 20 years he has been responsible for an array of projects and programmes across multiple industries and technologies.

Throughout his career, he has always tried to have a positive outlook on the inevitable difficulties projects always throw up and laugh in the face of adversity and Nigel continues to see the funny side of the career.

Residing in rural Shropshire in the United Kingdom, where he lives with his beautiful wife and daughters, in his spare time he can be found trying not to be thrown on the judo mat or trying to run a little bit faster and a little bit further.

He is the host of The Sunday Lunch Project Manager Podcast (

More information can be found on website or follow him on social media (facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and @sundaylunchpm or on LinkedIn