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Hi there, and welcome to my website.

I'm Nigel, the author of:

Add A Touch of Japanese Style to your Garden, 30 Simple Ideas - Ms Yin & Mr Yang's Garden Design Book.

Health benefits of Sauna

Simply Eat Healthily

Co-author Kalita Rieli

Hope you enjoy the books.


Kalita Rieli

Co-Author of:

Simply Eat Healthily

Kalita has been a wellness enthusiast for over 20 years.

Her passion began at 19 when her first pregnancy motivated her to study optimal nutrition for developing babies.

Combined with her desire to be of service and her interest in human physiology, she spent 10 years working as a nurse in direct patient care.

From this experience she observed patterns of disease that could be altered with preventative care.

She left the healthcare industry and obtained certification through IIN, a holistic nutritional coaching program which focuses on treating the human as a whole, with an emphasis on food as medicine.

She continues to practice these principles daily and desires to inspire through sharing the beauty of food.