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When I visited Kyoto, I popped into a small tea room and ended up sitting next to a young couple, Ms Yin and Mr Yang. They kindly ‘squidged up’ to let me in and we got chatting.

Add a Touch of Japanese Style to your Garden – 30 Simple Ideas, Ms Yin & Mr Yang’s Garden Design Book is a fun, easy to read book, full of interesting tip and ideas..

It is aimed at the everyday person who would like to learn a little bit more about Japanese gardens and perhaps how they could incorporate a few elements into their own garden without spending a fortune or having to completely re-model their garden.

In this book Ms Yin and Mr Yang explain to us:

  • A brief history and overview of the main types of Japanese garden
  • Some of the considerations and simple principles for your garden
  • Basic pruning and how to create interesting Japanese style trees
  • The main trees used in Japanese gardens
  • Paths and stepping stones
  • How to use different materials and forms to create interest in your garden
  • The importance of water and stone and ideas on how to incorporate
  • Tea gardens and pavilions and how they are used and laid out.
  • The use of lanterns, water basins, pagodas, fences and accessories
  • Some simple design plans and ideas for even the smallest of spaces
  • A useful guide to plants we can use to create a Japanese feel

So, if you fancy a cup of tea and an interesting natter with Ms Yin and Mr Yang about sharing a few ideas on how to add a touch of Japanese style to your garden this book’s for you,.. squidge up!