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Terms Of Service

˚ · . You are NOT allowed to redistribute, leak, sell, or asset mine this model. I have linked every single asset to the direct item for your convenience.

˚ · . You MAY NOT purchase/use my model if you are blacklisted in my server (soon to come).

˚ · . I am NOT responsible if you make minor edits and break the avatar, please have common unity knowledge, I will also upload the avatar for an additional 5 dollars if needed.

˚ · . You MUST BE 18 or older to be able to use my models.

˚ · . You are ALLOWED to make minor edits such as body resculpts, head sculpts, color tweaks, added assets. Just please follow the assets TOS as well.

˚ · . Your DISCORD and VRCHAT user must be properly filled out. No ifs, ands, or buts.

˚ · . DO NOT claim as your own work.

˚ · . You CAN use this for tiktoks, but please give credit when credit is due, I.E: "Avatar by NotQuinzii."

˚ · . NO REFUNDS!!