1. Do NOT redistribute/share my packages in any way, shape or form.
"What if I am buying a product as a gift?"
There will be a form at checkout where you will be able to mark that you are gifting the product, as well putting their information in for them.
"If I split the cost with another person, can we both use the product?"
No. How you pay is none of my concern, but only one person is allowed the package per buy. No price splitting.
2. Do NOT make any of the avatars public.
"What if I edited the avatar?"
Does not matter. Keep it private.
"What should I do if I see a public version in game?"
Please open a ticket and let me know what their user is so I can handle it, then report the avatar.
3. NO uploads to others accounts, unless the other person has bought the avatar, or you are uploading to a new/alt account.
"Do I need to tell you if I make a new account?"
As of right now, it is not required, but the heads up is much appreciated.
4. Please give credit in the avatar description when uploading and editing!
This should be done with any creator. Don't gatekeep avatars/assets you didn't create.
5. DO NOT take/reuse ANY parts/assets/textures/etc. from my avatars for any reason.
"The asset I want isn't even made by you?"
Does not matter. Buy the asset yourself. This not only breaks my ToS, but the asset creators as well.
"What if I own the asset already?"
Then download the file yourself. More than likely, the asset has been edited in some way to fit my work.
6. Absolutely NO Refunds/Chargebacks/Disputes/etc.
"What I purchased isn't what I was expecting?"
I make sure EVERYTHING is posted in the listing, down to the stats. Please take the time to read the full listing.
"What if I find an issue with the product?"
These are all digital products. I will gladly fix anything to the best of my ability as fast as I can. Please open a ticket in my Discord Server if you run into any issues.
7. PLEASE provide the correct information asked at check out (Discord name + VRC name).
"Why does it matter?"
If that information is not provided, your purchase cannot be linked to you or who you are gifting, and will NOT be valid.
"What if my users change?"
Feel free to let me know! I would very much appreciate the heads up.
8. DO NOT blatantly copy my designs/concepts, that's plagiarizing my work.
"How do I know if I copied you?"
Did you look at one of my listings, think "That's a cool avatar.", then make your own that looks almost like it?
9. If you wish to use my models for any kind of media/platform, PLEASE credit me as the creator!
"How do I credit?"
If anyone asks "Avi name?", you say "___ By Nymph is Silent.". You can also link the avatar in your bio if you use the avatar frequently.
10. PLEASE have basic knowledge on unity or blender before purchasing!
"I tried to edit your avatar and the project broke."
That is on you. I am NOT responsible for any updates OR any edits you have done that break the avatars in any way, it is up to the customer to update/fix their issues regarding that.
"Is someone able to upload so I don't ruin the project?
I offer free uploads in my server! After you join and verify, please open a ticket.
11. You CAN edit my avatars, as long as it is still recognizable as my original avatar!
"Define "still recognizable'."
Meaning you are more than welcomed to add gimmick and props, do texture changes, remove meshes you don't use to optimize a bit more, or swap out hair/clothing/animal parts.
HOWEVER, you may NOT go into blender and remove everything but the base to add your own items. My avatars are not bases for you to create your own avatar from. This also goes against the base assets ToS.