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8 Ways to lucid dream


About Me

Hey there, I am a 19-year old guy who has always been into dreams and science. Once i found out about lucid dreaming, it utterly blew off my mind. I thought ''this could really change my life''. So i started reading books about lucid dreaming, meditation, dream interpretation...etc. It took me a month to have my first lucid dream. I remember what exactly happened that night. I was trying this new technique and i was really excited about it. So i tried it, fell asleep and woke up at 5AM. I was really annoyed bc when i woke up, i couldn't even recall my dream. I went back to sleep feeling devastated. Luckily, i somehow was so sleepy that i could consciously enter the dream once i closed my eyes. How i felt in the was indescribable. It was just as vivid as real life. I felt like i was the happiest person on Earth until my mother woke me up. I was motivated enough to keep writing my dreams down and trying out new techniques. Once i felt like i've acquired enough experience and had enough lucid dreams, i decided to share what i've learnt with everyone.. and that's why i created this Ebook.