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Be Inviolable & Have Integrity

What It Means?

Inviolable is a formal term that is used to describe something too important to be ignored or treated with disrespect.


Consider yourself a person with inviolable moral standards. To have high moral standards works wonders + it keeps you focus and safe. No room for non sense and no time for B.S, you have to set it so.

Saying no to any form of disrespect. If someone cannot respect you, they have no space in your life period, it doesn't even matter who they are.

Family, friends, frenemies, it doesn't matter, if they cannot see you, value you and respect you, do yourself a favour, walk away from them, release them and do not even look back.

Remain true to yourself and do not dispair nor have any regrets, it's just a matter of time before you meet your true tribe, those who will love you for being who you truly are.

Sometimes, those closest to you, your parents, your siblings, those who claim being your friends for a long time have been your biggest haters and energy drains, let them go, let them be in your past, simple.

They never deserved you, your attention, your energy and your time; and when it comes to your love, they couldn't even recognise it... so just mind your own business.

Don't concern yourself too much of how others sees you - or they'll take you away from your own guidance.

Decide to be happy, at peace and joyful independently of what others do.

If you understand the workings of the universe, it's easy and natural for you to trust the process and yourself within the process...

Wherever your focus is directed is where your energy goes. Focus on you, do not let yourself distracted by others, focus on your healing, focus on what you want to grow more of in your life and live your life!

Mind your own business, remain inviolable, be happy doing you, enjoy and experience.

Keep your alignment in the truth of your heart, nothing can touch that!

Tuning in to who you really are is easy if you care how you feel.

Tell yourself: things are always working out for me, make that your core belief; the universe is for me, not against me.

You have to find a way to feel good regardless of what's going on, that becomes an art.

Drop what you think you should do, instead guide yourself with what you need to feel good, keep it simple in alignment and in balance; your basic needs: water, food, sleep, movement, creative expression...

You don't have any other responsibility but to stay in alignment whatever it takes!

You cannot be a people pleaser and remain in alignment, you have to be inviolable about this, you have to decide that how you feel matters most.

Your heart, your mind and your body will thank you for this constantly shielding you from common disease and imbalance.

Stay in alignment, true to you that what makes you solid, steady and authentically real.