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LOVE U more than money

Self-love is the cure, the key & the secret

Love yourself, because self-love is the only way.

Self-love is a must to not just survive and thrive in this reality, but to remain balanced and saine.

If you’ve been walking on this earth for some time, you know a lot of pain and suffering get dished out on a daily basis. You are not the only one who has suffered, we all have or are, sadly it comes with the territory, this is what we all have in common.

This is also what we are changing as we merge into the new earth, we don’t want to just talk about love or pretend to know love or be love, we need love for real in action.

Which means that it starts with you, in you, you can't wait or expect others to show you love. 

If your own parents couldn’t show you love, how are others gone do it? And yes we always think that there could be exceptions, that if someone says they love you, they actually mean it. It would be wonderful if it was so, but we are not quite there yet, love is one of those words that’s been used and abused too many times we could say. 

How many claim to love each other, rush to get married to end up hating each other very quickly, how is that even possible? What has happened?

There has been a huge misunderstanding about what love truly is and really means.

At this stage, we are better of using other words to help us understand and appreciate what love truly is… honesty is a good one, you have to be able to be honest with the one you love, if you’re constantly lying to them, there is no love there. 

Respect is another good one, if you cannot respect others or that special someone you claim to love, then there is no love.

Loyalty is another big one, if you cannot be loyal to the other, where is the love? Disloyalty comes like the ultimate betrayal really.

Ultimately, all of this needs to start within, and especially if you’ve been lied to, disrespected and betrayed, this is precisely what we need to heal so that love for self first can be real.

Because truth is, you cannot love anybody until and unless you have self-love.

Instead, people remain wounded and think maybe another person will be able to love them and this is how we repeat the same mistake over and over again. This is why you hear people coming in and out of relationships or getting married two, three, four, five times or more even. Just repeating the same old tired thing with a different someone but still missing the point entirely.

Or some simply give up on the whole thing because it was just too painful and they stopped believing in love. Sadly this is where most are heading either playing with the idea or totally put off by it.

And in both cases, missing out on it and lacking what is ultimately foundational to our human nature, we are love, we operate from the heart, when we don’t we are cut off literally from who we are, from our very nature.

And it becomes impossible to access your gifts, to tap into your inner beauty, inner knowing and creativity, you are not and cannot be your true amazing self. So you get stuck in comparing yourself with others and wanting to dim their light or steal from them.

This is why it is a must for us to heal and reclaim our hearts. This is what makes us earth angels, we need to have healed our hearts.

We can all see and witness what happens when people refuse to do that, their inner pain turn them into demons and monsters hiding behind masks and this is also why there is so much pain, darkness and suffering in this world.

If only people were willing to stop pretending and were ready to do the healing work, simply recognising that yes we’ve been hurt and that needs to be released and transmuted. To recognise it is the first step on that healing journey.

So that instead of becoming like those who hurt you, you choose to accept that they only did so because they were deeply hurt and wounded themselves.

And so instead of trying to get even with them, seeking revenge and lowering yourself to their level, you choose understanding and wish them well, because you don’t want to become like them. 

So whatever you’re doing and wherever you are, you need to be operating from your heart, refuse to have it polluted by the wounding and brokenness of others. Even those who have hurt you the most, who have offended you or attacked you, understand that it is because they are deeply broken hearted and totally disconnected from their own heart.

So just wish them well, wish for them to find and get the healing they so desperately need and just move on, let them be… do not let them lower your vibration, do not let them contaminate you and drag you down.

Pray for them and stay aligned in your heart and in your love for self.

Look at people, situations and places with the eyes of compassion, understand how they got to that point, unhealed wounds and trauma, and do not go down with them. Best you remove yourself from them, stay with your love for self and the higher frequency that comes as a result, by not letting anything or anyone take you away from that.

And remember that if people do not have self-love, they will not be able to love you really, they will say they do, they will pretend they do but they won’t be able to. As we all know action speaks louder and is truer than words.

I can’t remember who said, to love is to never have to say sorry, so much truth in those words.

So just focus on healing your wounds and reclaiming your heart and for that all you need is that deeper understanding that we need to forgive and become more discerning; so we learn from the past instead of repeating it over and over and over again becoming more shut down, critical and narcissistic or psychopathic in the process.

Be discerning with love and compassion, know that those who hate you, slander you or worst attack you, are sick and deeply unhealed. All you can wish for them is to heal and one day understand they are being their own worst enemies.

That’s all you need to do, you can’t do it for them, just give thanks you’re not like them, and stay blessed.

Self-love is the cure, self-love is the key and the biggest secret!

And as we move into the new earth, self-love is a must and the only requirement. So just teach children to have love for themselves and to forgive those unable to abide in love even and especially if it happens to be their own parents. 

This is how the pain started for all of us, our own parents were not able to show us love simply because they didn’t have it themselves, most likely because their own parents didn’t either, you get the drift, how long do we go on like this, be the one who break the chain of this ancestral pain and suffering and choose instead to forgive and heal.

Clearly, I would not have be able to survive the intense spiritual warfare and attacks on myself currently going on, had it not been for the self-love I had to develop over the years after being rejected and sent away by my own family more than 33 years ago.

My deepest wound ended up turning out into a life saving blessing. I had to learn to stand alone and weather all the disappointments, the betrayals, the traumas, heartbreaks and pain, which taught me to love myself even if others were unable to.

We all have been through so much and we all have the key to handle the deepest pain and betrayal, and it is found within yourself…

Stop looking for solutions on the outside, you are the answer and the solution always.

There is nothing we can’t heal and once healed and reconnected to your heart and inner blessings, you can survive anything.

Don’t chase love or anything, be the love and earth angel you were born to be.

Stop allowing the insanity of the outside world to turn you into what you were never meant to be.

Remember love is all you need and it can only come from within.

Give yourself the care, the honesty, the respect and the loyalty you deserve, that’s what self-love really is.

Love for self first so that you can then love others starting with your own children if you’re blessed to have them.

More love,

Celine A.D