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Drop Envy & Jealousy

Jealousy has to be one of the worst poison and fastest path to self-destruct.

Where does it stem from? How can it be released? Why are so many affected by it?

And why is it such a huge problem?

So yes let’s talk about jealousy and envy, a terrible affliction and poison to many. And if it wasn’t for the rather crazy events over the past few months, I couldn’t have imagined it being such a huge problem, or disease in the lives of so many people. 

Having always been very aware that we each have a unique self and personal life journey, I have never really compared myself to others nor thought that we could be in some kind competition in some ways. Even before making this statement, I asked myself, is there anyone out there that I feel or have felt envious or jealous of, and I still can’t come up with anyone or anything. 

So I tried going back to my younger days, to the time when I didn’t even know about healing or anything, I even went back to when I was a child growing up, did I ever felt envious or jealous of my peers or siblings, and still the answer remains the same, no. I cannot recall having such feelings towards another. And this is why, not knowing or having experienced such negative feelings in my mindset or reality, I couldn’t even have imagined other people possibly feeling such things. Maybe for children, but not adults, supposedly grown people, I’ve always felt that if there were feelings of jealousy between siblings for instance, it came from the way they were brought up and especially the way their own parents would compare them and make them feel inadequate pitching one as better than the other. 

Something totally wrong and false, as we are all clearly different and could never be compared, even twins are not the same, even if identical, they still have their own uniqueness. And over the years, I have always made a point of correcting those making such mistake, often parents too blind to see, who use comparison of the incomparable to try to control and to manipulate their own children. Some despicable tactics which I guess work when used often enough on children too young and impressionable to not be affected by such blatant lies. So yes I guess many got infected by envy and jealousy in their childhood and that just stayed with them, as their way to view their lives and others, and it probably grew bigger and stronger over the years. Plus if one feels inadequate or less than, they are more at the mercy of such envy and jealousy.

However, it is sad that once they grew up and were no longer children under the unhealthy impact of their mislead parents, that they couldn’t see for themselves that being compared to anyone else was lacking reason and common sense. But then when we look at the way, we are raised and especially how we are made to operate in the school system, where we are constantly graded and thus covertly made to feel superior or inferior to the others based on the marks we get, we can see how easily this jealousy mindset is encouraged to perdure and take set. 

The only thing which could help at that stage, would be to realise how unique and special we all are, however that same school system is intended in conforming us and making us all act alike. And if we dare to not follow others, to not want to be like the others, to not wish to do like the others, then we are severely penalised and easily outcasted, and who would want that especially as a young person trying to make sense of who they are. So yes sadly, it sure looks as if everything is done for people to not want to be uniquely different and to be stuck in being envious and jealous of others. It doesn’t even matter who, it could be their own siblings, those they call friends, their neighbours, their work colleagues and basically anyone they come in contact with that may have things in their lives that they do not have or are aspiring to.

Ultimaltely, all that jealousy and envy do is to distract them from their own path and what they could do to improve their own lives. So as their jealousy push them to act rather negatively towards those they feel envious of, that time and energy could have instead been invested in correcting or improving what they are dissatisfied with in their own lives. Such low vibration actions and behaviours can only stem from a deeply wounded and unhealed self making them loose themselves time and time again.

And I feel that once again healing the self, healing the past, can be the only way such afflictions and negative feelings towards oneself and others can be released. A huge benefit of healing the inner pain and feelings of not being enough, is to realise how unique and special you are, truly one of a kind. And once you know that and feel that deep within yourself, you just know you cannot be compared to anyone and therefore envy or jealousy cannot even enter your conscious reality. You just know that you have your own story, your own life, your own path and you just stay focused on that and you don’t have anytime to waste looking at others processes, let alone comparing yourself to them.

So yes ultimately, it is due to a lack of self-knowledge, if you knew exactly who you are and what you are here for, you’ll be so engaged in curating your best life, you wouldn’t have time to feel jealous of anyone else.

In conclusion, we could say that if you notice such negative feelings entering your mind or worst affecting your behaviour as you engage in targeting or harming those you mistakingly have felt jealous of, it is a clear sign that you need to heal yourself and grow your self-knowledge asap.

Because sadly such behaviours can easily turn into an obsession having the potential to lead you into very dark areas and paths, it may be impossible to come out of.

And too many are affected by envy and jealousy simply because too many are refusing to heal and to do the inner work. So let’s pray for them and hope they will be able to release their masks and egos and be willing to heal their pain and hearts one day, as it is never too late to do that. 

And the moment, one is ready to heal and choose the light instead of the darkness, the whole universe conspire to help them do just that… and this is how they get a chance to free themselves at last.