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Set Yourself Free: Heal

" Transformation is my favourite game and in my experience anger and frustration are the result of you not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life.

Being fake about anything creates a block inside of you. Life can't work for you if you don't show up as you".

Martin Luther King Jr.

The refusal to heal the inner pain, the trauma, the disappointment and betrayals, end up making it all fester in you, turning you into something you were not meant to be...

The darkness that one came to infect you, grows in you and take you over if you do not heal it.

This pushes you to wear a mask, to pretend, to be unauthentic, to lie, to envy others, and to be full of addictions because your inner reality becomes just too much to handle.

This is why FORGIVENESS is a must, the freedom ticket not for the other but for you, you forgive yourself and everyone else to keep yourself free.

So that you can create your best life undisturbed, so that you can accomplish your big dream undistracted by the pain of the past.

So that you can decide what you want without playing it small, so that you can eliminate excuses, doubts and negativity.

Shift your mind to shift your life, heal your heart, it is your internal guidance system.

An unhealed heart keeps you broke and broken, lost in the fear and lack matrix, where there isn't enough, you're not enough, stuck, in struggle not really living only pretending.

Your healed heart is magical, thriving in the love and abundance matrix, where there is enough, you are enough, growing, creating, manifestating and living beautifully...