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Light on Witchcraft

You might want to read the Drop Envy & Jealousy post to get a deeper understanding, although it might not be necessary.

Yet, it explains why jealousy should be a crime, especially when it is accompanied by witchcraft.

However, although it is rampant especially in this part of the world, the authorities do not recognise it as a crime. The local police station where I reside here in Portland Jamaica, told me to leave their premises as they do not take report on witchcraft nor do they investigate it period.

In a way who can blame them, they would be dealing with such reports all day, all night and that everyday. Plus this is something that cannot always be proven as we're dealing with the invisible, with energy and basically the spiritual world.

Sometimes, even those under spiritual warfare are not even aware of it until it is too late. Personally, it wasn't until it reached its climax a few months ago that I understood I too was under intense spiritual warfare.

Now I recognise it had been going on for a long time, years even but being rather naive about such practices, I couldn't have imagined being under such spells and attacks. Very naive indeed considering, I live in Jamaica and just like in Africa, the Caribbean are plagued with such dark practices.

And right there, we can see how such countries and part of the world following suite have been stuck in poverty and bondage for centuries. All by design of course, as it is all linked, also called different things in different places, obeah, voodoo, sorcellerie or black magic, the essence and intention are the same.

Ultimately, inspired by the title of a youtube video I have yet to watch, witchcraft is a spiritual system which is used to control, manipulate and destroy peoples lives and destiny.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and everything in this reality is based on energy.

We live in a prana economy and as Nikola Tesla stated over a century ago, it is all governed by energy, vibrations and frequency.

And this is precisely what witchcraft is based on and uses, hence why it is hardly noticeable, detectable or explainable, ideal to commit the perfect crime, as its final outcome death cannot be proven. This is precisely why the biggest perpetrators constantly manipulate people's energy, commit the most heinous crimes and yet get away with murder.

Having survived it all so far, I take it upon myself to shine some light on this terrible affliction and will seek to share what has helped me in the process.

So after being told point blank by the police that they could not helped and even being ordered violently out of their station, I knew I was definitely on my own fighting this and I needed to stand in my power or else.

This was April 7, 2024 and let say that I have been under a forced home arrest for my own protection ever since.

Soon, it will be forty days and forty nights, which have given me the time to reflect on this issue deeply thus getting a deeper understanding which hopefully will help others.

So we've established that it is a spiritual system, based on energy and more precisely intent.

Everything starts with intention and as the Kybalion states "all is mind".

This book should actually be read by everyone, required reading for mental sanity and more, as it explains the seven principles of truth governing our reality.

  1. the principle of mentalism - the all is mind; the universe is mental
  2. the principle of correspondance - as above, so below; as below, so above
  3. the principle of vibration - nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates
  4. the principle of polarity - everything is dual; everything has its pair of opposites, identical in nature but different in degree...
  5. the principle of rhythm - everything flows, out and in, action and reaction, rise and fall...
  6. the principle of cause and effect - every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; nothing happens by chance but according to law...
  7. the principle of gender - gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes

For a deeper understanding, read the Kybalion for yourself, this was just to give some basis to the rest of this communication. Basically, the masculine and feminine principles are ever at work, true not only on the physical plane, but of the mental and even spiritual planes, as also within ourselves.

No creation, physical, mental or spiritual, is possible without this principle of gender.

Therefore, in order for us to understand witchcraft more and ultimately protect ourselves from it, it is important to have an understanding of those seven hermetic principles.

When it comes to protection, we need to first know that we are under attack, to be honest it wasn't until this year that I realised it and that thanks to those involved being so weird and obvious in their behaviour towards me.

There was obviously a strong attempt on January 1st as many frenemies either went silent or came out of the woodwork to check on how I was and that felt rather suspicious but I had not connected it all together yet.

But then, funny enough, it was my sense of smell that confirmed it. One evening I was sitting alone in my office and I started to smell this strong odour of bio all over soudain, I couldn't understand where it came from, yet I recognised it... it smelled like this woman I know, who had recently been staying here but I couldn't understand as she had left and wasn't here anymore.

However, all her stuff were still here, as she had supposedly been forced to leave the place she was renting and needed somewhere to put her stuff while going back to Canada and thinking she was a friend, I was only too happy to help. Big mistake, but that's how it goes, you live and you learn, still all her stuff are still here and since she left at the end of December, I have not heard back from her.

But for a while, I could literally smell her strong odour on me and that was unbearable; this was one of the first clue, I just knew this wasn't my smell but hers and I was just baffled to how this could be possible. I have a very strong sense of smell and this was just horrible, so strong I couldn't ignore it and I gradually got to understand she was a witch trying to work through me and my energy.

Armed with that understanding, I started to cast her out ordering her to leave me alone and get the F. out of my space and energy field. I also started to use baking soda then sea salt to wash myself in order to cleanse her out of my body, and it worked eventually as I stopped smelling her strong body odour.

So sea salt is definitely something you can and should use if you feel under spiritual warfare, even if you're not sure, prevention is better than cure and it will protect you and cleanse you nonetheless.

The thing is once you know, you're able to connect things that you may not even have noticed before and you get a deeper understanding. I realised that me feeling super exhausted and as if I was dying in September 2022 wasn't just random but the result of some strong spiritual warfare. This is also when my beloved dog One love passed away probably taking the brunt of it as he was trying to protect me, bless him.

Never had I felt so weak and so bad but as an adept of the 6th principle, I thought the cause was linked to feeling drain from my recent travels in Europe, but not from having been put under a spell. I also know now that I was more vulnerable to all those wicked attacks simply because I was feeling pretty low and sad within myself after two years in the pandemic and witnessing how blind people could be on what was being done to us.

So this connects to the 3rd principle of vibration, we are way more susceptible to witchcraft if and when we are vibrating on a lower frequency either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Prior to 2020, when I was vibrating higher joyfully doing my work, in flow and happily standing in my power, such attacks could not get me or not as much. This is it, if your vibration is high due to feelings of love and joy, low vibration stuff cannot touch you. But if your emotions are low, as this is often the way in, then you very easily get affected. This is why humanity is constantly kept on a fear based vibration through the media and other means.

Back in 2013, I went through some extra stress, I say extra because stress is sadly part of our lives hence why we need practises such as meditation to help us release it and stay balanced; anyway around that time I started to notice some hyper pigmentation marks appearing on my face, on my cheeks and upper lip at first and then on my forehead years later.

I thought it was due to some sort of hormonal imbalance then I thought it might be malasma or too much sun exposure or maybe some chronic stress, or a mix of it all. Now I know it was none of the above but simply some spells that had been put on me, as I was also able to notice a similar stain right there in the middle of my neck, which helped understand that my throat chakra had been under attack to stop me from speaking up, expressing and sharing what I had to say.

It worked especially over the past few years when I actually stopped teaching, at the same time I felt that people where not ready to hear and I was seriously putting myself at risk. I remember my old spiritual teacher telling me to be careful as I wouldn't want to be put on the list, I replied too late for that I think that I am already.

Daring to speak truth has been a problem to others my whole life and has made me a lot of enemies unknowingly and knowingly, starting with my own family; and as one of my sister loved to remind me, has made me loose a lot. Yes, I lost my family, I lost friends, I lost jobs, I lost boyfriends but in fact I didn't loose what was most important which is me. I kept my integrity and self-respect and to me there is nothing more valuable than that, period.

Now, you can see why I am most annoying to most and why so many would love to shut me down once and for all. I simply know and understand too much and I am only interested in uplifting others and bringing more peace, love and healing to this reality which is totally the opposite of what the controllers want.

Therefore, there are determined in stopping me by any means necessary and they know 2024 is a significant and pivotal year to end their reign of terror, as solar activity picks up with the recent solar eclipses since the beginning of April. I know I am part of this battle and I have been in training for that all my life, they also know they cannot buy me off or control me, which is why they had to use other means.

Through their witchcraft spells, the main intention was to make me loose my mind, poisoning was also used but obviously didn't work strongly enough as I am still here. As I mentioned previously, all those people from the past who out of the blue wanted to talk with me, may it be family members I had not spoken to in years, or frenemies, trying to evaluate where I was mentally. I guess they'll have to live with their falsity, greed and lack of loyalty, they know who they are.

Then this was also confirmed when a high ranking police officer asked me if I wanted to see a doctor and if I was under medication. I just laughed inside, I don't even have aspirin in my house, and I never take any medication, another thing making me dangerous to their fake system.

Even when I felt really sick, I never considered going to see a doctor, I have never bought into that, as you can see from what I have been sharing on this platform, I do not trust them at all and only believe in natural healing. Meditation over medication is what I have been teaching and practising for years.

When this police officer pressed on, to see how close I was to breaking point, I told him that I was just feeling sad about the whole thing, he replied: you are depressed then. I said no just sad that people would sell out on me so easily and there I was referring to my partner of fourteen years who I had been very giving, loving and patient with.

So obviously realising he had been poisoning me and teamed up with others to get rid of me, was pretty shocking and upsetting. I had ended my relationship with him ages ago but he was still leaving here with me, as I didn't have the heart to make him go especially as he was depending on me financially.

I had decided to leave Jamaica and sell my property and the wellness resort I had created over the years precisely because I didn't feel supported and I felt that I was just wasting my time and energy here.

However, I intended to let him have the vehicles, all the tools and even planned to buy him a house so that he wasn't left with nothing. Which is why I could have never expected that he would turn on me so wickedly; clearly confirming it was all lies and he was just pretending all these years and his family had done some spells in order to keep me attached to him. I remember even saying it a few times years ago as I could not even understand why I would stay with him when he was only taking and not giving me anything, not even a birthday present I once received.

Let's stay that I do understand now and it is all making a lot of sense, but still what a crazy yet true story.

I woke up around 3 am this morning to the sound of a motorbike raving its engine outside my gate, a sound I have become pretty familiar with, as it has been a semi constant for months now. That's the vibration and the frequency parts, and the rider must be holding the energy with malicious intent.

There has also been a serious increase in the numbers of super loud trucks driving up the hill, even late in the evening on a bank holiday which is what confirmed it big time. It's funny really, when it comes to delivering water to the people, it is always a problem as the authorities claim not to have enough water trucks, however these past few weeks, trucks have been sent up pretty much every hour.

It is a shame that the people are not even able to notice and that they instead chose to work against me.

I don't know what lies they were told and what they were being offered in order to comply. Sadly, there are most likely not even understanding the implications or the consequences to what they are doing.

And so it is, however some must be starting to question things, wondering how and why I am still alive after all they've tried doing to me and the amount of efforts invested into my sacrifice. I have to say, it is this realisation which has helped me get a deeper understanding of who I am and why I am here.

Because clearly God, spirit, the universe call it what you like, but something above (as obviously it's not below) has been and is watching over me and strongly protecting me.

Which is why, those attacking me are not succeeding, however they keep on trying, unable to stop and surrender to the fact that I am being spared for a reason.

Maybe, it is indeed because I am what is being referred to as a chosen, and if so, I have come to understand there is a huge karma attached to coming after such people. At first, I felt sorry for all those people who got unknowingly involved into this demonic mission, but then I thought well it's all part of the new earth cleanup, if they could so easily be bought to harm another so be it.

A person most of them do not even really know, someone sweet, gentle and kind, who would have shared her last piece of bread with a stranger. Since, I came here some sixteen years ago, people were told that I was an obeah woman. I suspect my jealous neighbour, the head witch on the ground here, was the one who started to spread that rumour, and funny enough it turns out that she's the one who has been causing havoc and so much pain and suffering to people all over the parish.

Still, this is the time of change, we are walking into the new earth and no one can change that, all is being exposed and what was in the shadows is coming to light, revelation time!

Those who have attacked me and they are many pretty much all over, know that I know hence why they are coming even more strongly. Good all they are doing is exposing themselves even more. I was shocked to realise that even the adjoint to the consul at the French embassy was in on it, however since I confronted him and his lies, I have not heard back from him which sadly confirms it all.

Plus they all want this beautiful property and get all that I've worked hard for although it's up for sale, they want it all for free. How delusional can people be? As if I am gone let that happen, wicked people!

What a story, and today being the full moon, they are coming even stronger and it's all good, this is the day we put an end to this, and I have no problem being used as bait by the Divine if that means exposing and getting rid of all those demonic corrupt people.

They are coming from high up, and this is an international effort, the amount of money involved in this operation is confirming it. Over a week ago, they even had an helicopter not just flying over the house but literally overing for a few minutes. They even had navy looking boats as the house is facing the sea, a few nights ago I noticed one there with its lights on stationery and guessing what it was about, I started flicking the light seven times, and that was enough to send them on their way as they had been exposed.

Anyway, all of this might sound crazy, but remember this how they like to operate, painting those who can see into mad people and I am pretty sure most of those locked in mad houses are the seers and the wise people who could not handle living in this upside down world.

I am going to end it here and I will happily share more with you all once I am out of this ordeal, in the meantime, you can all reflect on those words of the Kybalion proving this point:

The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; heredity; suggestion; and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the chessboard of life.

But the masters, rising to the plane above, dominate their moods, characters, qualities, and powers, as well as the environment surrounding them, and become movers instead of pawns.

They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment. They USE the principle instead of being its tools. The masters obey the causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane. In this statement there is condensed a wealth of Hermetic knowledge - let him read who can.

More love,

Celine A.D