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Pure Evil

What too many are ready and willing to do for money, is pure evil.

It is beyond insane but clearly explains the state of the world we live in. Too many have a prostitute mentality, ready to do anything for money. And of course I am not just talking about women, no far from it, many men are evil and corrupt and also ready to do anything for more of the numbered piece of paper. 

A few years ago, I started to watch those crime documentaries but then had to stop as it was just too depressing, but I learned a lot in the process. However, they were true stories and part of our reality. Actually, a few months after I came to live here, I experienced something similar, one night I was attacked. A masked intruder broke in and tried to kill me, he repeated that my estranged husband sent him to kill me. I now realised, it wasn’t quite the case and a wicked neighbour had orchestrated the whole thing to make me leave in a hurry. It ended up having the opposite effect in fact; as I was so shocked that someone I didn’t even know, once I had removed what was hiding his face would come be so violent and ready to kill a woman he didn’t even know either. Paid assassins and criminals are nothing new and in most movies but I didn’t expect it in my own life.

He probably only got paid just for a few dollars, and that really concerned and shocked me; I thought I can’t just go, these people really need some healing plus I wasn’t gone run away in fear no way. But I wondered, how could someone born out of a woman, who has a mother could do this, attack another woman just for money? 

And it’s not even because it’s here where a lot of people live hands to mouth as we say, those crimes happen everywhere all the time even in more affluent places in the world. Even growing up, I would be watching the show Dallas and wonder how J.R could be so wicked and he was just lying and being deceitful, can’t remember about murder. 

Anyway that was a show on tv and not supposed to be real but when you’re seeing it in real life or documentary stories or you experience it for real in your own life, it is very sad and depressing. Besides recognising that desperate people would do desperate things, I just couldn’t understand how people could be so wicked. 

Back to those crimes stories, out of all of them, the suspects or offenders were always the same and so were their motives. It was always someone close to the victim, often a family member, either the wife or husband or even the children or some siblings, and always for money. 

In many countries, especially in America, they love to have life insurances, so instead of paying for a divorce, it was easier and quicker and way more profitable to have their other half murdered. Same if their parents annoyed them, well they would arrange for some random killing and then collect their life insurance. You also have the case of the jealous lover or third party, or the envious friend or co-worker. All this simply shows how mentally sick people are behind their false air and graces. 

So people will not only kill for money, they also marry for money, that’s a pretty common one and has been going on for the longest time. Well, I guess killing for money too, same to have children with someone for money is very common too. 

Unsurprisingly, famous or affluent men tend to have enough children to make a football team all on their own, it is crazy that they wouldn’t learn. Or at least protect themselves better. I knew this man who had done very well in the music industry back in the days who has over a dozen kids, then the other day I was reading that a local talent here in Jamaica has 18 of them. These men are not always to blame, yes they could protect themselves better but men do not like to wear condoms, I guess they prefer paying child support or ruining themselves not being able to. The femmes fatales they love to show off end up being their biggest downfall. 

Those women using their body to trick and trap, are only too happy to have children for them so to ensure they have a constant revenue source in the form of a pay cheque. Those relationships never last unsurprisingly, they were only based around deceit, and it doesn’t take long for those men to lose interest and find themselves another younger or prettier jezebel spirit of a woman.

It is interesting how these type of women so easily fall in love with men with money, they could be twenty or thirty years or more older than them. These women are convinced they are so in love with them and only too happy to have a child or more for them. It doesn’t even matter to them that the man might be dead and gone before the child reaches majority, at least they feel that their future is taken care off. It’s funny that doesn’t happen to older men not having two pennies to rob together. Same with women, an affluent widow might be well in her seventies and have an array of young suitors, they are often referred as cougars but cougars with money.

This sad reality we have created just shows where people’s values are at, and well best look at it with a sense of humour or it would make you cry.

There was this pretty sexy woman I worked with years ago, who could not understand why her husband would not trust her again after she’d been having an affair with the wedding photograph. When she realised that her accomplished and well to do husband would not give her another chance, she became desperate and needed help. My working with her didn’t last very long as I was more understanding of him than her. There was a child involved and it was maybe best that they stay together as a family or at least try to make it work out, if she was truly regretful and willing to heal herself. Not sure what happened to them, after suggesting that if her love was real she wouldn’t mind not get anything if they were to divorce due to her infidelity. Another woman I know is still married to the famous husband she hasn’t been with for nearly twenty years, maybe she waits for him to pass away to cash in on royalties, who knows, it makes you wonder.

I know we need money to live in this reality, but you don’t have to lose your integrity and turn into monsters in order to survive.

And sadly, this is why anything goes and why there is so much pain and suffering and why people cannot even trust one another. I mean clearly if doing well professionally and financially turns you into a prized mark that those around you are waiting to pounce on to get some cash, it becomes hard to trust others. Trust others and also having the chance or possibility to experience true love, if such thing is even still possible with all those crazy people.

It’s a real mess out there, most people have lost their hearts and have just no integrity. 

Is it greed, envy or laziness? I don’t even know but it shows there is a big problem. 

Or is it fear of lacking or not having enough? 

I’ve wondered about that after seeing people who tend to have plenty already still ready to do anything for more. I concluded that although they have way more than they started with, they still have that lack and poverty mentality. And I also concluded that came from not having acquired their said abundance through honest means. Because if they did or had, there would be no fear there as they would know that they could once again rebuild their success. 

And for those willing to do anything to get more money, like marrying someone who seems to have some or worst willing to kill someone for it, as well as lie or deceive, then I guess it is clear indication that whatever they have they stole in the past. They stole or used deceitful ways to get, which is pretty much the same, either way they are criminals pretending to be good people.

Karma is real and life will eventually catch up with them and expose them…

Clearly, it is not more money that’s gone help you on this life journey, but more integrity and for that you need to heal. 

And if you are ready to heal well keep on reading or listening to the free audios on this platform or best invest in yourself through the Heart Reset online course.

More love,

Celine A.D