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Sine Qua Non... You

Sine qua non is a Latin phrase that means "Without which, not". It is used to describe something absolutely indispensable or essential for a certain outcome or result.

The prerequisite to you and your life is that you love and trust yourself above all else or you don't stand a chance...

Let me share a story to illustrate...

It is one thing to be envied by so called “friends”, work acquaintances or neighbours, secretly jealous of you because they think that you’re doing better than them or you have more than them and all that. 

When truth is, we each have our own journey, cannot compare as we are all beautifully unique as explained in the Drop Jealousy & Envy recent post.

Or it is another thing when the opposite sex or exes hate you because they couldn’t control you and you wouldn’t put up with their non sense and b.s, and so decided to walk away.

Or to have other people in your life that simply dislike or hate you because they could not get to use you or abuse you as they are accustomed to deal with others simply because you were able to spot them a mile away.

However, when the jealousy and the hatred come from your closest and dearest, as in your own family, parents, siblings and even extended family, basically the people you have known all your life; those you would naively expect to love you (or at least not want to harm you) as a given. 

The realisation is so shocking, it is like an earthquake, a tornado and a tsunami all mixed into one, wild.

And when you come to realise all around the same time that all those various factions have been against you and trying to end you for a long time, that’s pretty rough and I guess enough to send anyone mad.

And that was their common intention, people out of the blue getting in touch to enquire about my mental state; it was their weird behaviour that clued me up and showed me something was up and not just a coincidence. 

Truth be told, had I not already been through so much disappointments, heartaches and betrayals in the past, and had I not healed from all of that, all this would have been enough to make me mad or at least mentally unstable.

Instead, it made me wonder about their own mental state and their own intentions, being rather concerned about their behaviour. It made me sad also not for myself but for them really, especially when witnessing and realising the extent to which those people were/are willing to go to get their desired outcome. Insane and hard to believe and it has taken me a while to be able to not just recognise it but to also finally accept this unexpected reality. 

Ultimately, it shows how far most people are ready to go for the sake of money, because that’s what it boiled down to in the end. Money and also what I’ve been teaching and sharing for years now and basically what I stand for, which has become an unbearable problem to many.

Being so independent, autotelic and abundant through my own efforts, I’ve come to piss off a lot of people… looking at my life and what I have managed to achieve alone as a woman especially, removes all kind of excuses and reasons why people are struggling and selling out in their own lives.

Then on top of it all, my first book “NOT FOR SALE ~ CAN’T BE BOUGHT” published in 2020 a few days before the pandemic, has angered more than one, making it even impossible for some to read. 

Too much undeniable truth for some to take in, they would rather shoot the messenger.

In my desire to help and uplift others, I sent many free copies to all those I thought were friends and to those I taught in the past. Faced with the pandemic, I felt that we all needed as much support and understanding as we could get.

That was love in action, writing the book was totally about that, sharing my personal journey of survival and healing, clearly showing people how we can all stay free, healthy and happy, and also succeed against all odds.

Of course, the powers that were would not appreciate nor like that very much if at all.

After asking for some feedback to someone I met who had insisted they wanted to read my book and to whom I kindly sent a copy (when I should have let them get it online for themselves), their words were so critical it confirmed that my book was indeed touching a nerve.

All they had to say was that the book was dull, repetitive and had nothing inspiring about it; I didn’t even feel upset about it, I just knew I was dealing with a covert narcissist. Plus I knew that not many men would or could appreciate what I was sharing, it was obviously too confronting and in opposition to the way such men like to abuse and control women.

Originally, the book was intended for women, the subtitle being “every woman’s triumph story”, but ultimately it is for all of us, women and men. We have to learn to unite and balance ourselves if we want to have better lives.

We are all dealing with similar issues expressed in different ways but all pointing to a lack of self-love, self-worth and self-healing. 

And sadly, it is not just the so called “weaker sex” which has been made to sell out on themselves.

Actually, the majority of people in this world, and especially those giving the impression of being above the rest maybe more affluent, have also totally sold out themselves, heart, mind, soul and body in order to get their illusionary success. The deceived have become the deceivers…

It is deep and I could write another full book about it but I am more concerned about moving forward and looking at the healing part for those not so deeply lost in their inner darkness still able to redeem and reclaim themselves.

As I am coming to realise more and more each day, especially through this current spiritual warfare situation, those willing to heal and change are not many and seem hard to come by.

Far too many still believe money is what matter most and what will save them.

Having spent 1/4 of a century on my own healing and having also dedicated myself to assist the healing of others, and now realising how many were just pretending or secretly hating me for it, is very humbling yet also disappointing. As I was taught, disappointment is missing the point…

The point being, there are strong forces desperate to keep humanity down and bound to fear, to lack and to selling out on themselves and this clearly shows where we are currently at. 

We all need to choose, are you going to stay in bondage and follow their new world order, or are you going to heal yourself drop the shackles and walk free ready to build and create the new earth. This is what we all need to decide, you have to choose before it is chosen for you.

That those who lack the knowledge and understanding would feel hopeless is one thing and not surprising, but for those who were taught, explained and basically given a chance, to still choose ignorance is deeply concerning. And yes this could absolutely be enough to make one mad.

But not me, if I was to lose my mind, it would have happened a long time ago, before I started to heal, I’ve come too far now. Life taught me to learn from everything and as explained and expressed many times previously, everything and everyone has been, is and I expect will keep on being a teacher.

A teacher and a reminder of the importance of healing and keeping our heart pure and clean regardless of what happens.

This is why I keep on saying, choose yourself, heal yourself and love yourself.

No one else can do it for you, and clearly most of the people in your life or coming into your life, are coming to take something. The givers are few and hard to come by and even those, in order for it to be real and true, would have had to heal their own heart and first give abundantly to themselves.

Remember, there is no love possible until and unless you have self-love.

This is why people bring children into the world and they can’t even do right by them, simply because they have no love to give them. It is all pretence, either they got trapped or they used their offspring to fill a gap, an emptiness or worst to trap another into their miserable existence.

And sadly, this is where we are at and why so many children are neglected or experience all kind of traumas simply because their own parents are deeply wounded and unhealed, still playing games.

I also know that it is time for change, however those who want to bring change are often persecuted or literally sacrificed for daring to speak the truth which is the necessary catalyst to change.

The time is now and now is the time, and personally I refuse to be silenced or sacrificed.

Be strong, fearless and speak your truth, nothing else is worth living for.

More love,

Celine A.D