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The time is now, wake up!

Every action has a reaction.

Law of cause & effect.

What goes around comes around.

You reap what you saw.

What's done to one influence the whole.

Input determines output.

Truth sets us free.

Peace inside = peace outside = peace in the world

Trust you first, trust inside = more self-resilience

Breath is the key, link and remedy.

Say what you mean, mean what you say or say nothing!

We question reality with our beliefs old and new.

When we deal with facts, it's just a question of facts.

Desire manifests in words.

Belief manifests in behaviour.

Feeling is the language of the truth.

What charges our internal dialogue are the words we use.

Words create images and automatically define how you get to feel.

Standing for truth.

Letting truth, honesty & authenticity be your only I.D

What you are known for.

Your reputation, your inner guidance and your protection.

We need to develop an all rounded sense of the truth & for this courage is a must!

You are being so distracted by the technology, social media and others.

That's stopping you to build your world, too distracted to create anything!

This is why we need to return to ourselves constantly, staying focused building our future.

You have to defeat this A.I group mind and the way to do that is to detach from their system.

So that you can reclaim yourself + get your power back.

To power up, get out of the artificial mind and create your own reality.

They, the controllers/ energy vampires, created one group mind with their religion, with their education, with their entertainment, with their banking system that entraps you on their hamster wheel.

Not forgetting their social health services, giving you the narrative on health, the narrative on lifestyle, telling you how to engage, what to buy, what you need and what you should aspire to.

This is why it is crucial that you really inner stand and stand for yourself.

Completely you is the only way to be.

The only way to live happy, healthy and abundantly.


Because until you're you, nothing will do!

To make sense of you + everything else.

Only way to thrive not just survive.

Up your understanding that changes everything.

Inside job: reconnect, realign, release, recharge, relax, rebooted, liberated, readjusted, rebalanced.

Meeting things in love and acceptance instead of fear and judgement.

You don't just let go of beliefs.

You question your beliefs and they let you go.

Present moment awareness.

Feeling good about yourself always = more prosperity.

Abundance means you being who you came here to be.

If knowledge is power, knowing about yourself is top notch self-empowerment.

If we ignore the body it starts to yell, listen in.

We live in a sick world designed to facilitate abuse but not healing, time to change that!

You need trust + your heart to meet the unknown fearlessly.

The more healed and connected to your heart, the more your intuition is on.

Heart and intuition work together.

Through the heart, the soul is giving its direction.

Watch your thoughts... watch your emotions... watch your behaviours & interactions with people.

These shadows are unconscious but you get an awareness of it, it will disappear, transforms in that shadow is the gift.

If you want to thrive and not just survive, raise your frequency and heal your heart.

Validate you... who has authority over your life? the answer has to be you, and only you.

The future???

Globally, a huge confrontation between the world of lies (media, governments, big pharma, politics) and the people who see what's been going on for a long time, falsifying history and infiltrating everything, bringing corruption & lies in every industries and sectors our lives.

After centuries of lies, it has to stop, it's run out its course. this is where we are at!!!

" If you're not a conspiracy theorist after 2020, check your pulse, 2020 was a mega red pill for humanity"

Recognise your strengths, embrace who you are, manage your prana & time, heart-centred actions and goals.

Unplug from life and its devices.

Replug into you, reconnect, understand you, grow you, know you, do you.
