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Attention New & Aspiring Christian mentors, coaches, trainers and consultants

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and discover your unique path in life and launch into God's purpose for your life?

Welcome to "Claim, Clarify, and Catapult Your God-Ordained Purpose" – a life-changing 6-week program designed to empower you with the clarity, confidence, strategies and a step-by-step plan so you can begin to walk in God's purpose for your life.


What You Will Get

  1.  crystal clear vison
  2. unshakeable confidence
  3. clarity on your divine blueprint strategic
  4. plan for your launch
  5. social media engagement strategies
  6. planning & time management strategies
  7. A compelling personal brand
  8. Tips, tools & strategies that build trust

And much more......

What's Included:

  1. Weekly coaching
  2. Weekly Q&A session
  3. Free accountability call
  4. Free e-book: no more fear
  5. Free e-book: no more shame
  6. Free professional logo design
  7. Installment payments available

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Course curriculum

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What people are saying

I joined this program because your initial email spoke to me. It felt like it was an answer to my prayers. I have been stagnated in my purpose, lazy & fearful. I know that I’m getting older and I’m running out of time. When I saw the ad, I felt that this was an opportunity for me to focus on that unique destiny that is ahead of me. Also, I knew that I needed help. After taking the 6-week course, I now know with certainty what God has called me to do and I can't wait to start my mentoring program.

— Nicole Brown

I was tired of living an unfulfilled and dissatisfied life. I was seeing so many problems in the world but had no idea how to help. I signed up for the program because I wanted to discover my life's work and was letting people, my insecurities and my inadequacies hold me back. Leontine worked with me for 6-weeks. After the program was over, I was ready to take on the world. I knew exactly what to do and how to do it. I am so glad I met her.

— Tiona Jones

I had a vision from God to help marriages heal from infidelity but was very insecure about stepping out. I was afraid of being judged because of my past, so I sat on the vision for months. I spoke to Leontine and she took me through her 10-week course. God used her to shift my paradigm and equip me with the right strategies to confidently launch into purpose. Now I am fully operating in my calling and helping men and women turn their marriages around after infidelity. Thank you "Leo" for all your help!

— Valerie Chase

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Contact us at to inquire about available payment plans.

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What people are saying

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My biggest problem was not knowing what to do next. I was confused and needed someone to give me the right steps to take. I signed up for Leontine's 6-week course, and I am glad that I did. Now, I have the clarity and the confidence to continue to do what God has called me to do.

— Karen Madison

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I called Leontine because I wanted to gain more confidence at work because I had been out of work for a long time and needed to rebuild my self-esteem. I met with her for 6 weeks. Soon after the program was over, I was able to get a new job. I can't wait to apply everything that I've learned to start doing what I was born to do.

— Gladys Bertrand

Leontine S. Osuagwu

Leontine S. Osuagwu is a passionate and solution-driven leader with nearly 20 years of experience in banking and financial services. She is a certified professional Agile leader who believes that the only sustainable way to empower people to perform at their optimum level is to lead with integrity, compassion, and follow-through. She is a heart-centered leader, a challenger of obsolete paradigms, an equipper, an encourager, and an empowerment activist whose focus is to make people feel valued, appreciated, and celebrated while prioritizing project delivery and excellence. Leontine is also an ordained Minister and a Bible Teacher with a passion to see every man, woman, child, and youth emotionally and mentally whole and walking in their God-ordained purpose. She is a transformational speaker, a business strategist, a liberation agent, a Certified Christian Counselor, and an entrepreneur. Leontine holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and International Finance from the IFAM Business School in Paris (France) as well as a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) From the Lubin School of Business at Pace University in New York City. She is a sought-after speaker whose passionate, motivational, witty, and no-nonsense delivery style never fails to enlighten, challenge, empower, and transform the lives of everyone she comes into contact with.