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About Us

Park Dale Press, a distinguished and innovative book publisher, was founded in 2023 in the heart of Long Beach's vibrant art district. Renowned for its forward-thinking approach to publishing, Park Dale Press has carved out a unique niche in the industry, particularly in the realms of political thought, social sciences, and cutting-edge fiction.

Known for its bold choices and dedication to new voices, the press has been a launching pad for several best-selling authors and groundbreaking works.

Alex Exum, the visionary behind Park Dale Press, is a figure of remarkable influence in the world of publishing.

Driven by a passion for transformative literature and a belief in the power of the written word to influence society, Exum founded Park Dale Press in 2023. Under Exum's leadership, the press has gained a reputation for its uncompromising commitment to quality and its ability to spot and nurture literary talent. Exum's keen editorial eye and innovative marketing strategies have positioned Park Dale Press as a beacon of intellectual and creative thought in the 21st century.