Paula & Martin McCarthy

Hello there,

Welcome to our little corner of the world.

Our names are Paula and Martin McCarthy; we are happily married and reside in the Czech Republic. We are the proud authors of ‘On the Edge of the Night’, an epic story that follows the lives of a multitude of characters and will span over decades in a world nearing its end. If you like a complex thriller, full of mysteries and endless possibilities, then our book could be for you. The keys to our envisioned world are held by Johnny Smith, a young man, fresh out of high school. He’ll lead you through the door into Malley, a small town in Sommersby County, located in the northeast of Colorado. Malley is a town that harbours secrets, so many in fact, no one truly knows what’s real and what isn’t anymore. Intrigue will fuel your desire to know the truth, time will clear the fog of uncertainty, and only then, everything will be revealed.

Pace yourself for the long-haul, put your thinking hat on and lose yourself in our book series.

Contact information:
If you have any queries, questions, or such, please feel free to drop us a line.

Paula McCarthy
Martin McCarthy

PS Please feel free to review our books, it’d be greatly appreciated. Peace