Phoenix Hell is a pseudonym for his real name. He's in his early thirties and began his love for writing back when he first read a fiction anthology. He wanted to do M/M romance with a paranormal twist. And most of all the books that are running around in his head are dealing with the paranormal or supernatural.
Phoenix hates mornings and loves to stay up late reading or working on a new book. He's very shy, but if you get him to come out of his shell he will make you laugh till you pee your pants. He's also a Wiccan and a clairvoyant. He usually will post things that are going on about him or complain about his family.
So when you see his book for the first time, he hopes that you enjoy it, shed a few tears and fall in love with his characters.
When he's not writing, he's reading books by his favorite authors, drinking sweet tea and just trying to relax.
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