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Tell me if this sounds like you...

You want to use your podcast as a way to boost your credibility and generate more income.

Maybe you’ve even researched all the ways to monetize your podcast and grow your audience, but you need guidance, clarity, and a clear path forward.

Friend, the most simple and effective solution is right under your nose.

You’ve been underestimating the power of leveraging your podcast content!

What if I told you there was a way to seamlessly turn your podcast content into a fully-written manuscript without added stress or a time-consuming process

There's a potential goldmine in your archives–you just have to unearth it.

If you’re thinking, but I don’t know how to sift through my podcast episodes to find the most valuable content…

Don’t worry! I have the solution

One that will simplify your journey from experienced podcaster to published author.

Book Blueprint


Imagine if...

There was a way to effortlessly turn your podcast into a fully written manuscript.

Think about it! You could:

Unlock new streams of income and opportunities by leveraging the power of your podcast content

✅ Establish yourself as the go-to authority in your niche

✅ See your podcast turned into a tangible asset that grows your business and amplifies your message

Hold your published book in your hands, knowing that your message is reaching far beyond the mic

After all, you started your podcast to share your story, knowledge, and expertise to reach more people, right?

Aside from making more money, you truly want to help make a difference in the lives of others.

You want to help people realize that, no matter what they're going through, they're not alone and they can come out the other side. 

A book is the perfect vehicle for this because it has the potential to reach entirely new audiences, amplifying your message and impact in ways your podcast alone can’t.

Hi, I'm Sarah Moffat!

As an experienced podcast manager and best-selling ghostwriter, I've seen so many people have the desire to write a book, but are filled with overwhelm of not knowing where to start.

That's why I created the Podcast to Book Blueprint!

The Blueprint is not just about repurposing your podcast content into a fully-written manuscript—it's about unlocking doors to new opportunities.

My aim? 

To help podcasters, like you, create additional income streams, open doors to speaking opportunities, and make a bigger impact.

By the end of our time together, you'll have your message honed, target audience defined, a clear book outline, and the starting point you need to FINALLY bring your manuscript to life—all from your existing podcast content.

Ready to turn your podcasting journey into a published legacy?

Course curriculum


Who is the Podcast to Book Blueprint for?

The Podcasting Pro

Are you a seasoned podcaster with a wealth of episodes already under your belt?

With the Podcast to Book Blueprint, you'll learn how to transform your podcast content into a fully-written manuscript, opening doors to new opportunities and expanding your reach beyond the airwaves.

The Aspiring Author

You've always had a passion for storytelling, but the idea of writing a book felt like an insurmountable challenge—until now.

With the Podcast to Book Blueprint, you'll discover a clear pathway to authorship using your existing podcast content as a springboard to success.

The Busy Podcaster

I know you're juggling a million things at once, but don't let writing a book fall to the bottom of your to-do list!

With the Podcast to Book Blueprint, you'll learn how to repurpose your podcast content into a fully-written manuscript in no time. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a streamlined process that fits seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Imagine where you could be a few months from now if you started today…

Your book sits proudly on the shelf, showcasing your expertise and authority in your field.

✨ Each chapter, carefully crafted from your podcast content, is now reaching a wider audience and making a bigger impact.

✨ You have an inbox full of emails from readers who have been inspired by your words, eager to learn more and attend your speaking engagements.

✨ And as you step onto the stage, you feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that your book has opened doors to new opportunities and elevated your status as a thought leader.

Gone are the days of wondering if you have what it takes to write a book!

With the Podcast to Book Blueprint, your dreams of authorship are within reach, and the world is ready to hear your story.

Book Blueprint
