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Welcome to fascinating world of coin collecting

I fell in love with coin collecting as a youngster. Like many coin collectors it started at a young age with a little blue book binder of pennies, grew into nickels and dimes, quarters, halves and eventually those gorgeous silver dollars. Thanks, Mom, for the lessons!

Seven decades later I’m still collecting…and more importantly, learning something new each day. That’s the way it is, there is always a new surprise waiting around the corner. You just have to be willing to take the first step on that journey.

No matter what age any of us start collecting we all start from the same place…the beginning. My personal focus the last several years has been on Morgan and Peace dollar variety coins, although I still love those beautiful copper cents I first started collecting years ago.

The “Quick Guide to Coin Collecting, 2nd Edition” came about after many years of collecting and thousands of conversations with other collectors around the world about the problems and challenges we all had with the hobby. Those conversations became the genesis of the book and it spiraled out of control from there. The coin hobby is a passion that I enjoy, it takes my mind off the day to day minutiae that tries to overwhelm us all at times. The book itself is a collective of all the ideas from those conversations to make the coin collecting hobby easier to understand and enjoy for everyone.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed here are mine. They are, however, opinions based on years of experience and analyzing thousands of coins. Some ideas you may find useful, some not. Take what works for you to grow and enjoy your coin collection. Get a copy of “Quick Guide to Coin Collecting, 2nd Edition” to get started on your own collection.

I hope you enjoy the site, find things that are useful, come back and see what’s new. And I hope if you do find those things that you’ll tell your friends, too. Enjoy the search for your coins! Best Regards, John Freeman