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Restoring Your Health and Hair Naturally eBook SAMPLE


My Personal, Holistic, Educational Guide For Restoring Your Health And Hair Naturally


About Me

With several more layers than a simple nutshell, in a nutshell, Reborn Hair PPP (a.k.a. Joe) is a health and hair loss researcher, experimenter, advisor, analyst, and author.

The PPP stands for Prayer, Patience, and Perseverance. He chose this mnemonic because it served and continues to serve as a model for defying the impossible; coping with infirmities; becoming resilient no matter how many times he fell down.

Before arriving at a proven system, Joe first had to get to the bare bottom of the TRUE causes behind male and female pattern baldness. His investigative work entailed testing, researching, and trying countless methods that failed miserably to produce satisfactory results for five long, unbearable years!

In addition to his trial and error epic failures, he spent thousands of dollars experimenting with innumerable products only to be left with guilt, frustration, and cluelessness.

But that’s ok, because if it wasn’t for those “bloody” life learning lessons, he wouldn't have positively impacted the alopecia community tremendously!

Even though, Joe might not have an M.D. or license to practice and offer medical advice, the absence of that designation doesn’t make him less credible. In fact, over the course of FIVE YEARS he has read more than:

- 1,000 Pages on alopecia and health forums!

- 500 Scientific studies published on eminent medical sources, like PubMed and Mayo Clinic!

- 10,000 Threads on hair loss and health forums!

- 30 Scholarly books and articles!

- 150 Pages of journals, like the renowned Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology!

- 100 Anecdotes and success stories of others NATURALLY restoring their poor health and hair!

Looking at his credential history, it’s as if Joe spent five years in medical school studying to become a general practitioner only without a diploma.

In the end, what matters most to him is your high level of satisfaction. And he will do his utmost best to ensure nothing gets in the way of your happiness!

If there’s one spark he wants you to remember him by it’s this:

Joe believes in his BOOK! Joe believes in his SERVICES! Joe believes in HIMSELF! Joe believes in YOU! Joe believes in GOD!