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Just so you know before I accept a commission, a price will be decided, and a deposit will have to be put down on the avatar that will have to be about half price of your commission. There is no pay later or guilt tripping to try to get the price lower. If I feel like I am being guilt tripped I will say something because it makes me very uncomfortable

Please take note that if I do a commission for you, I am NOT buying the assets myself. It’s YOUR job to provide/buy the assets so I can make/edit your avatar. 

Do not be rude to me, I have every right to refuse your commission. If my commissions are closed, I will let you know. If I have a line, I will let you know also.

DO NOT give me an impossible deadline to make/edit your avatar. I can manage my time well and usually get stuff done in a short amount of time.

If there are any problems with your avatar after the commission TELL ME don’t just deal with it, please tell me. I want you as a customer to be satisfied with your avatar/avatar edit. 

Prices can be negotiated under certain terms that will only be discussed 1:1 

These avatars I make MUST be private and cannot be used for commercial use whatsoever. If you want to use the avatar commercially price will be greatly more than the original Personal price. I will collect the credits and send them to you as well. But this is only if you want to use the avatar I make commercially. This does not refer to my avatars in my store, the avatar you pay me to make is the avatar you can use. 

Prices for Full Avatar

Base Price

  • Blender Work only - $15+
  • Unity work only - $20+
  • Blender + Unity - $30 - $40+

(My Blender + Unity work will only involve simple toggles. If you want sliders or material swaps, int toggles please see below.)

Add Ons

  • Piercings - $5
  • Shape keys/Body Slider - $5 (Each)
  • Presets - $2 (Each)
  • Material Swaps - $5 (Each)
  • Custom Follower - $5
  • Face Sculpt - $5 - $10
  • Body Sculpt - 5 - $10

For avatar edits please have permission from the avatar creator that I can edit the avatar. 

If you don’t want to get permission from the avatar creator, then you can also buy the avatar for me. It’s up to you my gifting information is in my discord server, and you can send gifts to me there. Also please read what is in there!

Please don’t lie to me and say you got permission from an avatar creator when you didn’t. It will be a ban/blacklist across servers.

Avatar Edits

  • Base Price - $15
  • Shape keys/Body Slider - $5+
  • Material Swaps - $5+
  • Custom Follower - $5
  • Piercings - $5+
  • Face Sculpt - $5 - $10
  • Body Sculpt - $5 - $10

What is a Shape key/Body Slider?

A shape key or Body Slider means the butt, boobs, etc. can be put on a slider to be bigger or smaller for your liking. Which also means all of the clothing would need to have a shape key made for it.

What is a Material Swap?

A material swap is the changing of colors in your outfit, hair, eyes, skin color, etc. 

Have you ever had an avatar with only a goth theme, but you think it would look amazing in pink. Well, I can do that! If the clothing has the options for a light color, I can make more options for your look.

What is a Preset?

A preset is a toggle on your hud that allows you to press it and have the already picked out outfit appear on your body. 

You ever hate going through the hassle of going through all your menus just to make an outfit you like? Well with presets a push of a button and all the work is done!