Richard Kent Matthews - New Possibilities Center, Inc. (Portland, OR USA)

Talkative, controversial, a bit radical, free thinker, vegetarian, cat lover, reader (loves Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon). Traveled a bit, lived in Canada, stationed in Louisiana and Germany, spent 10 years in Colorado before spending the last 27 years in Oregon. Loves tomatoes, flourless breads, coffee, teas of many kinds; has great friends, has lost many friends to many conditions including alcohol and drugs, cancer, AIDS, and old age. No kids, but loves kids. Married once, kinda; involved, well, many times. Very Personal: Mostly free from racism, sexism, homophobia, but not perfect in anything. Still growing, maturing, and laughing a lot. A former barber, soldier, office worker, caregiver (spent 15 years with one patient. Nearly the best gig of entire life, second only to ministry), and a former drunk and heavy smoker (quit both 26 years ago). Oh, yeah... Also, an ex-holy roller. (Nothing against ‘em!) Did my best drinking, smoking, drugs, promiscuity, lying, crying, and fearing while a holy roller. I accept full responsibility for all of it. Period. It led me to where I am now. I’m a better person for it. And I am grateful. Avid volunteer, including stints with AIDS programs, food banks, public trans services for seniors and disabled folks, leadership workshops for youth programs, job search skills trainer for the over 55 crowd, and more…. Weaknesses: Cats, babies, rain (Love the rain!), grilled cheese sandwiches. Also, I can tear up when moved.