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STEPDive is both a product and a training philosophy designed to complement existing standard SCUBA courses, and experience an easy, safe, first STEP underwater. We provide the tools and materials to introduce new divers, and especially children, to essential core SCUBA skills and safety techniques in a series of smaller, easy steps. 

STEPDive surface air supply system is designed with 3 core focus points:

  1. Safety and ergonomics for children and family use. Less equipment for a family to manage; easy, safe depth restrictions adjustable to suit a child's age and experience; and a large, visible raft for buoyancy and support if needed.
  2. Complement proper SCUBA instruction. Teach it right the first time. Ergonomics, behaviors, skills, and techniques are all structured towards learning the right SCUBA industry standards. The goal is to help students develop a strong core of foundational skills and experience that will enable them to grow and progress into exceptional JOWD students.
  3. Sequential, hands-on learning. Students learn best when they can focus on a few key skills, and then practice extensively to master these skills before moving on to the next ones. The adjustable depth restriction of STEPDive provides a reliable boundary for students to practice a skill before moving on to the next course and depth level.


The National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI, or NAUI Worldwide) is a non-profit association of scuba instructors, founded in 1960. It is a recreational dive certification and membership organization providing international diver standards and education programs. It is one of the oldest and most respected diver certifying agencies in the world.

Experience Before Depth training

STEPDive is very proud to cooperate and partner with NAUI. NAUI courses are among the most thorough, routinely exceeding minimum industry standards. NAUI places a strong value on mastering core skills, emphasizing safety, and taking the time to be comfortable and confident with the underwater environment. An excellent match to STEPDive’s mission and core values!