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Nourishing Lentil Soup recipe by Sarice Holley – a quick and wholesome meal for busy moms. Packed with veggies, lentils, and Mediterranean flavors. Perfect for a healthy, comforting dinner.

Quick & Healthy Comfort Meal for Busy Moms: The Ultimate Crowd-Pleasing Lentil Soup

I love the fall; it's my favorite season. As the temperatures drop, there's nothing I quite look forward to this time of year as I do for

1. sweater weather

2. soups and stews

3. anything apple-cinnamon- this iconic combo just hits differently in the fall. 

Yesterday was cold and rainy, which was my cue to pull out the Dutch oven and make one of my favorite go-to soup recipes, the never-disappointing lentil soup

It's a simple and minimalistic recipe, yet satisfying enough to have triggered a change of heart in multiple individuals who claimed not to like soup, including my husband. 

Besides being delicious, it's packed with fiber, plant-based protein, and Mediterranean-inspired flavors; this soup is a true crowd-pleaser. I highly recommend that you save this recipe so you can have a bowl of goodness whenever you need a nourishing pick-me-up.


- 1 large onion, peeled

- 2-3 carrots, peeled

- 2-3 celery stalks, with the leaves

- 4-5 garlic cloves, peeled

- 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

- 500 grams (about 2.5 cups) of green or brown lentils

- 200 grams (about 1 cup) of orange lentils

- 4 cups of water 

- 2 tbsp of lemon juice (optional)

- 1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

-1 bunch of fresh herbs of choice: parsley, cilantro, mint (optional)

- Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Rinse the orange and green/brown lentils well, then drain.
  2. Finely chop the onion, carrots, celery stalks and leaves, and garlic. *See time-saving tip in notes. 
  3. In a large pot, heat the EVOO over medium heat. 
  4. Add the chopped vegetables and a bit of salt, and sauté until they begin to soften and release their aromas.
  5. Stir in the green and orange/brown lentils, ensuring they are well-coated with the sautéed vegetables.
  6. Add the turmeric, salt, and pepper, stirring for another minute to enhance the flavors.
  7. Pour in the water and bring the mixture to a gentle boil.
  8. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let the soup simmer for about 30-40 minutes or until the green/brown lentils are tender. Add more water 
  9. If you prefer a thinner soup, add a bit of water and blend. 
  10. Add the optional lemon juice and finely chopped fresh herbs just before serving for an extra burst of freshness.


Whether you're a soup enthusiast or someone usually not excited by them, THIS lentil soup will surely win you over. Easy to prepare, incredibly nutritious, and bursting with flavors, it's become a staple in our home, especially during this time of year. Give it a try, and let this bowl of goodness become a comforting companion for your cozy evenings and chilly days. Be sure to tag me if you do!


  • You can throw the vegetables in a food processor. It'll save time and result in a smoother texture.
  • Add a 1/2 tsp of cumin or bahart for a deeper Eastern Mediterranean flavor. 
  • Store the soup in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.  

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